drinking crystal light-does that slow down weight loss
I drink crystal light instead of water will this slow the weight loss down. Also ones that are closs to 18 months are you still losing good. I am at a standstill after 145 pounds. Also I have another question I am getting pains on the right side not all of the time but sometimes. Anyone else have this happen? Thanks
I don't drink water plain and love crystal light. It has been wonderful for me and not slowed my weight loss (I don't think). My weight stabilized and I started maintaining at about 14 to 16 months. I am trying to lose the 5 pounds I have re-gained... so, no I am not still losing easily. You need to talk to your surgeon about the pains. Do you still have your gallbladder?
My surgeon gave me a detailed list of what I could and could not have every week, progressing to new foods along the way. Crystal Light has been on my list of allowed food or drink since PRE-op. Did your surgeon not give you a plan with suggested and allowed foods and beverages for your journey? I have been amazed at the number of folks on the forum that ask if they can eat or drink things. Apparently, not all surgeons give their patients any guidance along the way.
Short answer: no, Crystal Light will not affect your weight loss. If anything, drinking Crystal Light will more likely encourage you to drink your water more, which is a benefit.
Short answer: no, Crystal Light will not affect your weight loss. If anything, drinking Crystal Light will more likely encourage you to drink your water more, which is a benefit.
Music Teacher in New Bern, NC (lost 48 lbs PRE-op!!)


Crystal light is great, I drink it all the time and it counts as my water intake and has been on my list that my Dr. gave me from day 1 that was ok to drink and it doesn't slow down my weight loss most of the ones I drink I think are only like 5 calories. Keep up the good work I've lost 85lbs since beginning pre-op in late March and my surgery was 4-27-09. You may want to ask your sugeon about your pain in your side. Take care.
All those powdered drinks made me gain weight. I am very sensitive to artificial sugar. Even diet soda makes me gain weight. There is some research out there that if you drink artificial sugar you trick your brain into thinking it is sugar and you actually gain weight instead of losing weight and it does happen to me. It is very strange but every time I drink it, it happens.
(deactivated member)
on 7/21/09 11:44 pm - , FL
on 7/21/09 11:44 pm - , FL
Crystal Light has aspertame in it...not only is it bad for you, but your body will react to it as if you were eating sugar. It may not affect your surgery, but it will triger your mind that you just ate sugar and start to make more insulin. To much insulin=extra pounds. I would say in moderation would be fine...I am not a doctor, but my mother is a diabetic, and I have been diagnosed with early signs of it. Sugar is a pleasure food and either the real thing or a substitue will cause the body to react the same.