Rash under my now hanging belly!
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"I have lost the lumbering hulk that I once was. I don't hide behind my clothes or behind my door. I am part of life's rich tapestry not an observer." Kirmy
Hi. I am just getting over a yeast infection under my breasts by using a powder prescribed by my doctor, but just today I noticed an irritation under my pouch area on my left leg and when I lifted it it was rather red. It looked sorta like the yeast infection under my breasts and I just got over my period so I was wondering if that was playing into it, but I wasn't taking chances and put some of the powder I just got onto the red area and I hope it helps.
okay so I have always had a low hanging belly and always thought taht I had to live with the rashes and the moisture that builds underneath but recently I finally decided to try some ideas that I found online and they are incredible. I have heard a lot about the gold bond powder but I bought the gold bond powder spray. there are two different ones. there is a fresh with aloe scented one and a classic with menthol one. Be careful with the menthol, although it keeps you cool and is soothing, if you have a rash down there it will burn. The aloe is much better when there is no rash. also I found through research that the body washes that I have been using have been causing alot of the moisture and stinkiness and the rashes. I use now, dial gold antibacterial body wash scent free. It has made a world of difference in me and my sister's lives. My sister also says that it helps alot with her apron sticking to her. hope this helps alot of people. Oh and you can get all of these products in walgreens next to the lotions and they go on sale quite frequently. oh and also a quick note, it is also good with yeast infections because the powder does not contain corn starch like alot of the others do.
I find that using vinegar in my bath water keeps the yucky, gooey stuff away. I try to take a bath with a couple cups of vinegar at least once a month. It keeps that sour smell away also. I've still gotten heat rashes when it's too hot out and I can't tend to the area often enough. Bit the vinegar does help with the day to day sweat rash.