Is there a thread on this site for folks that are serious about losing weight?


on 2/22/09 3:10 am
I understand your frustration.  But, this site is like life:  you take in the good and you throw out the bad.  It also wouldn't hurt to treat others kindly in the process.  













(deactivated member)
on 2/22/09 3:20 am - Sevierville, TN
Amen. Did you go over there and read the recipe? It is obviously a fat nightmare but the whole thing seemed tongue in cheek to me and I seriously doubt that anyone is seriously considering eating it. The other recipes of his that I read seemed fine and in line with bariatric eating.

on 2/22/09 3:25 am
Thanks Karen,

I wish you the best but I am looking for responses from successful weight losers.  ie.  5 years out....that made all the mistakes and lived to tell about it...if you know what I mean.

Come on!  Any long term successes out there?

<=== This is a hungry child.    I once thought I was too but it turned out that I was never hungry ...   but boy, ...  was I  a child!

Island Girl
on 2/22/09 3:43 am - VI
On February 22, 2009 at 11:25 AM Pacific Time, alleygnat wrote:
Thanks Karen,

I wish you the best but I am looking for responses from successful weight losers.  ie.  5 years out....that made all the mistakes and lived to tell about it...if you know what I mean.

Come on!  Any long term successes out there?
7+ here. What do yo want to know. I love a cpative audiance
I got my toes in the water, ass in the sand ,
        Not a worry in the world, a cold beer in my hand
               Life is good today. Life is good today.
on 2/22/09 3:58 am
ooooo!  Good.  

What did you eat? 

What did you do for excercise?

What did you do to stop emotional eating. 

Did you have a consent weight loss?  or did you have a trial by error experience?

Tell me all!!   

[I like these little smiily thingys]

<=== This is a hungry child.    I once thought I was too but it turned out that I was never hungry ...   but boy, ...  was I  a child!

Elizabeth N.
on 2/22/09 4:01 am - Burlington County, NJ
Only five years and longer need apply? Okay. I'm only two years out, so I don't count. That's good. Good riddance.
on 2/22/09 3:23 am
OK, I get that.

But there must be a forum were a group imposed set of rules would encourage only those with long term success to recommend food choices, tricks of the trade, excercise and such.

Why is that bad?

As far as kindly...that dude is posting lard recipes all over the place and the responses from newbies is...well it is....let's just say.....sad.

As kind as I can get.

Sorry...but I'm serious.

<=== This is a hungry child.    I once thought I was too but it turned out that I was never hungry ...   but boy, ...  was I  a child!

on 2/22/09 3:29 am
Start one.

Start a website. 

I am serious too.  There are very little resources out there for us - short and long term - with nutritional rules/guidelines and recipes.  We are generally stuck with modifying typical recipes or going without and eating artificial supplemental foods.

Many of the recipes that people put out there for post-ops are just disgusting, too. 

If you can do better I BEG of you to do it.  I would love more choices and most important something that would entice me to actually cook something.  (I don't.  I end up eating bites of regular food or protein bars.)

If you notice that people respond with drool over recipes that involve pure food porn ... maybe we need BARIATRIC FOOD PORN with nutrition stats.
on 2/22/09 4:02 am
That's a thought!!! 

I would have to do it in a way where only long term successful weight loss suggestions, recipes, etc. are encouraged and us newbies just ask questions.

<=== This is a hungry child.    I once thought I was too but it turned out that I was never hungry ...   but boy, ...  was I  a child!

on 2/22/09 4:37 am
Moderate the **** out of it.

Request recipes from people. The more nutrition stats the BETTER.  Gather ones you find good and get permission to post.

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