Is there a thread on this site for folks that are serious about losing weight?

on 2/24/09 1:55 am
>>>>Where did I say that?  Not every one who becomes obese is an emotional eater.  I like food and hate exercise. period.  No emotions involved.<<<<

Ohhhhh...Honey, Honey Honey....It ain't your call.

Didn't you know that anyone of any nationality and background can pick up any baby form any other nationality and tell by facial expressions alone what the emotions are of the baby?

It's brain stem level have no have emotions just like the rest of just have decided...most likely long ago.....that you would not face them.....just like the rest of us  .... thus the overeating, drinking, drugs, shopping, gambling not face down the normal folks have to.  Not your fault.  It is usually locked in as a defence long before we are adults and have the capacity to reason clearly and face minor and major emotions ... then shrug ...and get on with happiness or peace ..or self respect or what ever.  Thing is that it is never too late apparently.  We all can go back and give it another shot.

Thing is...once you find out that it was all a waste of time and it wasn't all that bad after all....even women with severe emotional and sexual abuse trama from childhood [where most of our emotional devices get locked in] can be truely happy.

Here:  Check this out.

and BTW...its Mr. not Miss.

<=== This is a hungry child.    I once thought I was too but it turned out that I was never hungry ...   but boy, ...  was I  a child!

on 2/24/09 2:40 am
  Yawn - Asshole.

Go analyze yourself and find out why you feel the need to tell other people what YOU think their problems are-
-of which you actually know nothing?

Do not presume to "know" me or anyone else.

on 2/24/09 3:21 am
Geeze Sorry Patty.

I guess you're different.  
FastFingers ~*~
on 2/23/09 2:06 pm

Ever heard of the duodenal switch?  The folks who have the DS as opposed to the RNY severely malabsorb fats, and therefore have to eat a LOT more of it to be able to properly absorb the fat soluble vitamins.  They don't suffer any high cholesterol or heart disease as a result, and don't absorb the calories from this fat, either, as it primarily goes through them undigested.

This recipe is a DSer's dream, and is perfectly healthy for them - and they REALLY want to lose weight - SERIOUSLY.

I can't help but notice you're a NON-OP, so I wonder how you could possibly know more about WLS than the people who have had it?  Why question experienced WLSers about anything, if you think you know it all already? 

If you want "serious" recipes for weight loss, but one from Weigh****chers.  SERIOUSLY.

                                   Flying Spagetti Monster

"Doubt everything.  Find your own light."
Last words of Gautama Buddha, in Theravada tradition

on 2/23/09 2:13 pm
You didn't read all the posts before postin' now did ya?  

<=== This is a hungry child.    I once thought I was too but it turned out that I was never hungry ...   but boy, ...  was I  a child!

FastFingers ~*~
on 2/23/09 2:24 pm
You didn't read ANYTHING before starting this thread, now, did ya?  You're a hardheaded fool who wants it all delivered to her on a silver platter.  Guess what?  You ate yourself into your obesity, and you're going to have to earn your way out of it - and it's NOT going to get any easier if you make enemies in what SHOULD be an excellent support system all along the way.

I'll leave get out of your way now, since you're clearly too stupid to get out of your own way.  

                                   Flying Spagetti Monster

"Doubt everything.  Find your own light."
Last words of Gautama Buddha, in Theravada tradition

on 2/23/09 2:39 pm
My My...we're plesent tonight aren't we?

Regarding the duodundinal switcherroony...I went to the web site and have a couple questions?  If you are going to put up with oily crapy anal discharges with foul smelling oders in church....why wouldn't you just have the surgeon run a tube from your mouth right out your a ss?  That why you can not change one damn thing about yourself, continue to mow down like a hog  and continue to be mean nasty person with low self esteem who posts before they read everything.  You probably do that in person too?  Ya?

Anyway from the douodendumal web site about eating:  Note:  Not one thing about gettin' your fill on Lard Rolls!!! 

So?  are you done yet missy?

"Common sources of protein are lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, cheeses, yogurt, legumes and nuts. As tempting as it is to eat that salad or potato, it is vital that you eat your protein first, then if you’ve any room left, eat the carbohydrates.

Protein is also available in the form of liquid concentrates, powders and bars. These can be found at most health food stores, like GNC. These items are a terrific way to boost your protein intake, and the liquids, and powders made into smoothies, may be easier for you to digest

<=== This is a hungry child.    I once thought I was too but it turned out that I was never hungry ...   but boy, ...  was I  a child!

(deactivated member)
on 2/23/09 9:36 pm - Woodbridge, VA
You don't want to start knockin' the DS. I'll leave it at that.
FastFingers ~*~
on 2/23/09 11:23 pm

Bwah ha ha ha haaaaa!!!  You said "church".   To ME!!!  Bwah ha ha!

                                   Flying Spagetti Monster

"Doubt everything.  Find your own light."
Last words of Gautama Buddha, in Theravada tradition

on 2/23/09 11:38 pm
Made me LOL, evidently she doesn't know you Amy.

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

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