Is there a thread on this site for folks that are serious about losing weight?

on 2/23/09 11:04 am
Wow, you are a real nasty one, aren't you?  Bet you get lots of support because we love people like you.

My profile is not private, it is there for all to see.  I have nothing to hide.  You can drag whatever you want up.  I have been a supporter of OH for almost 7 years, and will continue, despite people like you.

My surgery was in 2002 not 2003.

Despite the "situation" you are trying to create--none of my words have come back to haunt me and I stand by them all.

You are so sad.  It is an excellent idea to make enemies of people here and to "try" to make fun of them all.  Keep it up because you have a good start and I definitely smell troll stink.

Now where did I put that gnat spray?  They are such pesky creatures. 

on 2/23/09 11:41 am - Huntsville, AL

Here it is, Patty:

cdtroll.jpg picture by citdatstuff 

on 2/23/09 11:45 am
Thanks LeaAnn.  I guess there's been a run on this stuff at the store lately.  
on 2/23/09 12:10 pm

Ain't skeerd of no stinkin' gnat spray

<=== This is a hungry child.    I once thought I was too but it turned out that I was never hungry ...   but boy, ...  was I  a child!

on 2/23/09 12:06 pm

Your words Hun...not mine.

Now please stop harrasing me.

<=== This is a hungry child.    I once thought I was too but it turned out that I was never hungry ...   but boy, ...  was I  a child!

on 2/23/09 12:10 pm
My words--What?  I think I said NEWBIES

No harrassment here--you post, you get replies--works both ways.

You are a sad sad creature.

on 2/23/09 1:16 pm
Okie Dokie then!

<=== This is a hungry child.    I once thought I was too but it turned out that I was never hungry ...   but boy, ...  was I  a child!

on 2/24/09 12:33 am
You know, after reading this again, I need to add more--I will not let you try to impugn my character on this board. 

You go to my profile and pull information off about my medical conditions, which BTW (for newbies), have absolutely nothing to do with my WLS.  What's the point in that?  Are you trying to say that I whine on my profile?  Are you saying I am a liar?  Are you trying to say that I am not a WLS success because of the other medical conditions?

Far from it, I write about my life, you douche bag, and it is MY profile.

Why didn't you bring up all the recent deaths in my family?  That's life right?

Nowhere on my profile do I say I am an emotional eater--where the **** did you get that from?

You are a low life scum bag with an atom-sized brain.  After peeling yourself off the wall from the fly swatter, crawl back under the dung pile where you belong.

Isn't the internet great?  You can hide behind the screen and be a big asshole.  You get your jollies from being evil?

on 2/24/09 1:12 am
>>>Nowhere on my profile do I say I am an emotional eater--where the **** did you get that from?<<<

Oh, I know....That is all too clear.   You eat only for nutrition AND only when you are hungery.   You gained weight due to your knees....right?

WRT the other stuff.   You came here and trashed me honey buns. 

Then I viewed your blog and saw that you got trashed for doing the same thing.  And defended it quite well I must say.

Your words..not mine.  The truth can be hard to hear especially when we have had our heads in the sand [or up our...] for so long and we have convinced ourselves.

Regarding your question:  "Are you trying to say that I whine on my profile?  "

Well you be the judge.  Give it a quick review and see what you think.

<=== This is a hungry child.    I once thought I was too but it turned out that I was never hungry ...   but boy, ...  was I  a child!

on 2/24/09 1:30 am
"You eat only for nutrition AND only when you are hungery."

Where did I say that?  Not every one who becomes obese is an emotional eater.  I like food and hate exercise. period.  No emotions involved.

My knee problems are from osteoarthritis as are my back problems---hmmm, non-obese people have OA too.

"Then I viewed your blog and saw that you got trashed for doing the same thing.  And defended it quite well I must say."

Apples and oranges.  My post was addressed to folks just out of surgery, complaining about the surgery and it is very clear what I was saying--nothing close to what you did/do.

My "whine" on my profile is writing about my life--STFU until you decide to get a life.  OH created the profiles to write about our lives and our journeys and you call it whining--gee, guess they'll be glad to know that--maybe they'll change the name.

You crossed the line by trying to make a mountain out of nothing and bringing up my medical conditions which have nothing to do with any of this.

You are a ******g asshole and are showing it to the world.
Oh great miss-know-it-all--you suck and you know it.

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