Is there a thread on this site for folks that are serious about losing weight?

on 2/22/09 9:53 pm
OMG.  I <3 you!

You totally worked that out?  :D  SQUEAL!  

I still want some.
on 2/23/09 1:03 am
On February 23, 2009 at 5:53 AM Pacific Time, m m wrote:
OMG.  I <3 you!

You totally worked that out?  :D  SQUEAL!  

I still want some.
FitDay and a calculator. (*grin*) And I didn't even attempt to account for the fat that cooks out, and on a grill/smoker, a LOT of fat's going to cook out of bacon. I will SO be making---and eating!---this.

The OP has no info on its' profile, and its' response to this recipe is its' first post on this board, AND on the Recipes board. Makes me wonder what sort of axe it has to grind.
on 2/23/09 1:02 pm
Just out of curiosity, I checked a few other things. Per ounce:

American cheese--------------8 gr. fat, 6 gr. protein, 102 calories

Cream cheese-----------------10   "      , 2      "         , 99 cals.

Pecans-------------------------20.4        , 2.6             , 196

Walnuts------------------------18.5       , 4.3             , 185

So---I guess the Bacon Explosion is better for you than walnuts or pecans!!!(*grin*)
(deactivated member)
on 2/22/09 10:43 pm
Actually I thought that a portion from this recipe for my pouch wouldn't be a bad deal either. If I were to cut out all fat (my nut said to eat fat with my food) I wouldn't be able to have a BM, but would watch out for what the sugars were in the BBQ sauce.....still on the learning curve there..

Reminds me of an old Italian dish my husbands grandmother used to make that was um.. questionable, but they ate it! ..... brishole? (spelled like it sounds) Basically pork fat rolled with some form of meat inside.....
on 2/23/09 1:18 am

Braciola: chop or cutlet, usually pork but also lamb, beef, or game (and even fish).


  • 5 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO), divided
  • 1/4 pound pancetta, chopped
  • 2 pounds ground pork
  • 4 cloves garlic, chopped or grated
  • 1 teaspoon allspice
  • 1/4 cup currants
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 1/2 cup pine nuts, toasted
  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh sage
  • 3/4 cup flat-leaf parsley leaves, chopped
  • 4 hard-boiled eggs, chopped
  • 1/2 cup Parmigiano cheese
  • 8 top round steaks (1/4 inch thick), slightly pounded
  • 1 large onion, finely chopped
  • 1 large carrot, peeled and finely chopped or grated
  • 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped or grated
  • 1 fresh bay leaf
  • 2 tablespoons tomato paste
  • 1 28-ounce can whole San Marzano plum tomatoes
  • 1 1/2 cups red wine
  • 2 cups beef stock
  • 1 pound rigatoni
(deactivated member)
on 2/23/09 9:15 am
I think I saw an episode of either Good Eats, or one of the Bobby Flay do one. I knew the spelling wasn't even close!  Hooked on phonics worked for me! LOL 
on 2/22/09 11:12 pm
I have a hard time being nice to a newbie who comes on here to criticize the people and the website that has helped thousands upon thousands of people over the years.  If OH doesn't meet your needs, go somewhere else.

If you really feel the need to ***** about everything go to the Rants and Raves forum and try that on for size.

on 2/23/09 9:49 am
>>>I have a hard time being nice to a newbie who comes on here to criticize the people and the website<<<

Like this one Patty?

God!  isn't the internet wonderful?  We [us screwed up fat folk] can hide in our own mind and yet..our own words can come back to haunt us.

I particularly like this part:

"It seems like so many posters lately are whining about every little ache/pain/uncomfortable feeling. And then once they get past that, it is "what can I eat that is not on my post op diet plan?"

Patty..Darling.. have you reviewed your posts lately...or since.... was it 2003 when you had your WLS?

whining?!!  whining?!!  ???

My knees, my this, my that, chronic fatigue, too far a drive life. 

That's called life. Same as the normal folk have to go through. Once we realize it and face our resistance to it ....the hunger goes away.

Have you seen a therapist to discuss emotional eating and the aches and pains?

And honey the Lung thingy?  The breathing thingy? The respitory thingy?

You FRICKEN SMOKE sweetie!!!

Hello in there??????

May 2007

I wanted to address a recent posting I made. I posted a message about a week ago entitled "Are you all wimps or is it just me?"

I received many many negative posts back. The messages ran for 6 pages. I never intended to start a firestorm. I will admit that MAYBE the title of the post was a bit harsh. The post itself was not and I stand by it. Here it is in its entirety:

I know this surgery is hard. It is a life-changing event. I have preached it many many times over the years myself. It seems like so many posters lately are whining about every little ache/pain/uncomfortable feeling. And then once they get past that, it is "what can I eat that is not on my post op diet plan?"

Give us a break people! You new post ops: you have just had MAJOR SURGERY! You are going to be uncomfortable and miserable until you heal. Do not try to cheat or "eat" past your surgery!

For the pre-ops: don't have the surgery if you are not 200 percent sure you can deal with the post-op diet and restrictions. AGAIN...this is a life-changing event and you MUST be able to CHANGE your eating habits and mindset to make the tool work for you.

Follow your surgeon's/NUT's diet plan! No matter what you read here or elsewhere...follow your own doctor's advice!

Did you know there was a Q&A section of this website? You might find your answers there. Try it first.

I feel so sorry for the people I read about on here that are clueless as to what to expect. It blows my mind. When they post a message on how horrible it is, then get the answers they don't want to hear, they get upset. How can some one go through this kind of surgery and not know what MAY happen?


I am so happy I had open RnY, I have experienced a new life because of it. There is no way I would be able to take care of my grandson now, if not for the surgery. I would recommend it to anyone. BUT...that anyone had better know what they are getting into. Complications can happen at any time.

Please know what you are doing.

My best wishes to all...

Me again. I repeat. I stand by my post. This is a hard surgery and everyone had better know what they are getting into!
I truly wish everyone the very best. Again I am so happy I had this surgery. Listen to your doctor and follow your plan!

<=== This is a hungry child.    I once thought I was too but it turned out that I was never hungry ...   but boy, ...  was I  a child!

(deactivated member)
on 2/23/09 10:03 am

You are going to have to change your attitude to ever fit into any forum of any type.  You can't be abrasive to people when you are apparently looking for guidance.  I think there must be a reason you are so angry.  Obesity often left me angry at myself.  I felt very downtrodden for a very long time.  Your life is going to change, and I hope that your attitude will also.  You are being cruel to people intentionally and without provocation.  I hope you take this post in the spirit in which it is intended.  People really would like to help you.  People like you are the reason my profile is private to my friends only. (:

on 2/23/09 12:03 pm
Dear Chit,

Let's review.  I just posted about the Lard Log and I'm getting pummeled by replies justifying the Lard log..... but I am only replying to those who are abusing me for posting my feelings about the Lard Log....using their own words.

Do I have to think like everyone else?  Including the Lard Log Chef?  ... and the folks that just post to complain about themselves?  Isn't that how we got fat in the first place?  Do I have to become a Hug Nazi to be accepted?

BTW...Love the Cats.

What can I say?  I'm just Different.

At least your post was not mean. 

<=== This is a hungry child.    I once thought I was too but it turned out that I was never hungry ...   but boy, ...  was I  a child!

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