Eatin' good in the hood....Sunday night

erin J.
on 1/25/09 8:51 am - PITTSBURGH, PA
Back home and I'm exhausted.  Went to my FIL's 60th party last night and spent the night down at Eric's aunt,s place with my in-laws.  Great time with very little to drink, I am pleased to say! (Just a little wine! )  Didn't eat too badly either, thankfully.

Got home later than I wanted today so looks like the laundry will have to keep until later in the week.  Trying to unwind before heading to bed, then it's back to work tomorrow.  need to get back to exercising again so I'm gonna ride my indoor bike while watching TV before bed.

So for today:
B:  too much coffee
      4 sausage links
      fage w/ oranges
      spoonful of potatoes w/ hot sauce
      small pc of cinammon roll

L:  a little milk
      small pc of beer bread

S:  most of a southbeach bar

D:  hotdog w/ bun
      hobo baked beans w/ ground meat....delicious!
      a taste of chili I'm making for the week

Still hungry....but really don't want anything.  Have a good night.

Onederland..... life is grand!!! WELL IT WAS WHEN I WAS THERE; NOW LIFE SUCKS!
I bleed Black n' Gold....STEELER's in my soul!

If you want the rainbow you've got to put up with the rain!!!

Connie C.
on 1/25/09 9:34 am - Clinton, ME
Hi Erin!

Sounds like you had a fun weekend with the family. Too bad reality has to return so soon.

I had the strangest thing happen yesterday morning. I got on the scale and it said I had lost 6 pounds since the day before! I asked my mother if she had weighed herself, and she said, "Yes," and the scale was working fine (it's electronic). Just to be sure we put in a new battery. I weighed myself 7 more times and still showed the 6 pound loss. As of this morning, I had lost another pound! Wahoo!! I don't know why it happened like that, but I'll take it. That reminds me - I need to update my ticker.

B: weight control oatmeal w/walnuts

S: cottage cheese w/blueberries

L: 2 mini turkey burgers w/out buns at Ruby Tuesday
    pureed cauliflower
    broccoli cheese soup

S: none - was at the theater seeing a community theater performance of Tuesdays with Morrie - it was great!

D: chili w/shredded cheese and sour cream

S: 2 pretzels rods
    1 prune
    a bit of dried fruit

That's all she ate . . .

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain.

on 1/25/09 9:40 am - Sunny Southern, CA

Hey there Erin,

Mmm those hobo beans sound delicious. I'm on a forced bean kick LOL I did a pantry inventory and I had A LOT.

My day: work then fun. Can't ask for more than that. I do have a headache threatening but I'm determined to not give in to it. Positive thinking.

The Damage

Breakfast: Starbucks Oatmeal w/ 1/2 packet of fruit & nuts and a dash of cinnamon, SF Cinnamon Dolce Soy Latte w/ no whippage

Lunch: Turkey Roll-up and 4 Bean Salad (Recipe and Food Porn in the blog) staring at the ocean

Dinner: Tacoless Taco Salad

Snack: 1 oz. Mixed Nuts, Fruit Salad (strawberries, blueberries, banana)

Have a great night!

Weight Loss Surgery Friendly Recipes & Rambling

on 1/25/09 11:59 am - ND

Good evening everyone!

Another very cold day here in ND.  I think the high was below zero.

B:  Dannon Lite and Fit yogurt to which I added a scoop of EAS protein powder
L:  Extreme Smoothie Protein Shake
D:  Smart One Beef Pot Roast  and some raw veggies with lite dip
S: 1 cookie and some popcorn

Kristi K.
on 1/25/09 12:27 pm - Twin Cities, MN
Ugh I hate Sunday's because it means I have to go back to work in the morning!

My day:

B: Coffee and vits
B2: 1 pc whole wheat toast with PB
L: Cheese, pepperoni and mushrooms from 2 prc pizza at sisters
D: My version of hobo beans!
(Pork&Beans, navy beans, butter beans, and pintos. I usually make them with ground turkey, but used ground beef today since the store was out of turkey). Still turned out really good!

I'm not on a forced bean deal, but I was hungry for these, so I made a batch for the week. I'm going to freeze some so I have them on hand for lunches.

Have a good week all.

on 1/25/09 12:39 pm, edited 1/25/09 12:41 pm - Daytona Beach, FL
Erin......thank you girlfriend.  I'm so glad you are doing this.  It's 11:30pm and I just got home from dancing.  Went to Cocoa Beach last night and danced and danced.

Today has been a good day but not such a good eating day.  I'm getting a bit out of whack.  I spent the night at Pat's last night, and after the dance I was starved (hadn't eaten since breakfast) so we stopped at Denny's.  I had 3 bites of that crap and just barely made it to her house when the puking started.   Never again. 

Today was ok....I think, but my little tummy was still icky so didn't eat till late.

Outta bed (9:30am)
2 cups of coffee

Breakfast/lunch and Dinner at 4pm
8 ounces steamed shrimp and coleslaw at DJs on the way home

Snack at home
1 banana

at the dance 2 cookies and a half gallon of water......

Home now....
cuppa decaf tea and a piece of toast.

So thats it.  Saw the new boyfriend at the dance.  These GD pretty boys are going to be the death of me.  Oy Vey.  (he's not really a boyfriend, just dating, but he shure is purty)







erin J.
on 1/25/09 8:15 pm - PITTSBURGH, PA
 Hi Charlie!!! Great to hear from you!!! Sure do miss you girl!!! Have a great week!!!!


Onederland..... life is grand!!! WELL IT WAS WHEN I WAS THERE; NOW LIFE SUCKS!
I bleed Black n' Gold....STEELER's in my soul!

If you want the rainbow you've got to put up with the rain!!!

~ Robin ~
on 1/25/09 8:07 pm - Muskegon, MI
I didn't get to check in yesterday - I was miserable with a migraine by evening. Still miserable with a migraine... but I had to be up to get my kids off to school, so I'm checking in.

Yesterday, I had...

2 servings of CLICK (hoped that the extra caffeine might HELP the headache. No such luck...) 
1 Oh Yeah Good Grab bar
1 soft taco w/ meat, cheese a dallop of lt. sour cream and taco sauce, a few bites of FF refried beans.

  - I will learn to let go what I cannot change, but I will change whatever I can. Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

Have you taken your vitamins today? 


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