Charlie Update....GOOD MORNING
Hello my OH friends. I just realized my mug is on the home page as an inspiration. And of course that makes me feel good, but also like a whiner. My life is getting better daily, but I'm still not quite where I want to be.
I'm doing ok, not exercising enough, but then I never have. It's a sore spot and a weakness with me. Any excuse will do. Today, it's too cold. And speaking of that, I have a cold. First one in forever. Years. But I must have picked up a strong bug. It hasn't developed into the real snotty congested kind, but a throat tickle and cough and little congestion in the mornings. So I think my immnune system is strong and fighting it. I can't recommend 2 doses of a chewable vitamin C every day enough. TAKE IT. If this is the same bug my family has, they have it waaaay worse than me.
I am dating and dancing and having a wonderful time. I'll be back soon, I promise.
Hugs from the beach
Hi Charlie! It's so good to hear from you! I hope you feel better soon. It sounds like you're doing your best to take care of yourself. I'm happy to hear that you're out having fun and enjoying the moment. That's what life is all about, right? Not looking back, and not looking too far ahead, but enjoying this very moment that you're in for what it is. You take care of yourself! I've missed you.
- I will learn to let go what I cannot change, but I will change whatever I can. Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
Have you taken your vitamins today?
Love you sweetie!
Big Hugs Heidi
You go girl!! That leather jacket is waaaay too cute. And why can't dancing be counted as exercise!! So glad to hear you are coming right along, Rome wasn't built in day and after what you've been through most people would have given up along time ago. One step at a time my friend! We love you Charlie!!
I'm on the mend. Doug is no longer in my thoughts much and I've decided that it was all for the know, one door closes and another door opens. And the door has swung wide and I'm looking out at the other side. And I LIKE what I see.