Falling to peices
It's time to get a new hairstyle and to think about what you'd like to do differently for your hair at the wedding. Perhaps a gorgeous hat or headpiece will be in order, or maybe you can get a weave.
My hair is still quite thin compared to what it was. But you know what? I'm ALIVE to think about it, and I don't think I would have been if I hadn't had WLS.
It's time to turn your thinking around. You are not just your hair. Look for new beautiful things about you, and love yourself as you are changing and growing in wonderful new ways.
Unfortunately this is an area you can't control. I never took Biotin, but people who I spoke to who did also had hair loss. I remember reading that the reason for the loss is that the body is going through a lot of changes and will sorta shut down the non-essentials areas to make sure nutrients make it to were they are most needed (or something along those lines). Since the body knows hair is not really needed, that's one of the areas you'll notice something is going on - same for thinning/brittle nails.
I'd say after about a month of finding hair all over the palce - shower, pillow, bathroom floor, I cut it off, so that I wouldn't keep seeing it all the time, and get down about it. Although I loved my long, thick curly hair, and felt it was my best asset (after my blue eyes...), seeing myself with a new cut and new body was amazing. Up until that point, my confidence was slowly increasing as the weight was coming off, but once I didn't have the hair to hide behind anymore, my confidence tripled!
I'm not saying go cut off all your hair, but really think why you feel so attached to it. If its because it hid you all this time, you might want to think about getting a new style to go with the new you.

Take care,
My hair is thinner but I don't have any bald spots at all. It will be ok!
I totally hear you- mine started coming out in huge clumps from 4 months to 6 months post op. It was unreal for awhile there- I was freaking. I finally gave in and went to my hairdresser for help and the best thing she convinced me to do was get a serious haircut. I had not cut it since pre surgery because I was so scared of the hair loss. We took off about 2 inches and the hair loss stopped immediately. It is growing in nice and thick and healthy nowand fast! She said the hair was all brittle and dead anyway and that's why so much was falling out. I was hesitant but thank god i listened o her. I used Jason Biotin shampoo and conditioner that i got at the Vitamin shop- didnt want to take any more pills. I dont know if it helped though. But I am almost 8 months out now and the worst is definitely over .
Good luck and congrats on your wedding- you will be gorgeous and so healhty for your new life!
You will be just fine on your wedding day...dont worry...He is going to marry you....not your hair.
Good luck
Matthew 6:33
Seek ye first the kingdom of God
Super proud mommy to Dylan, Owen and Sophia Brianne!