vitamins..Do you really have to?

on 12/11/08 1:06 pm
*This post is in response to someone who asked me is I wouldnt mind posting about what I have went through because I didnt take my vitamins like I should. I am happy to tell me story if it helps even one person from not having to go through what I did.

I was really good about my vitamins the first couple of years. Then what happened? Life I guess. I figured that I was a few years out that it didnt matter too much anymore. Yeah I was wrong. I started to feel off at about 3 1/2 years post-op. So those that are a year or so out saying "My labs are great and all I take is a multi once in a while" are living life on a chance. It started with being really tired. Then it progressed to not being able to walk up my stairs. I went to a doctor (key word here "a" not my surgeon) and he checked my B12 and yep I was low. Gave me daily shots for a week. Thought I was all good. Im not sure how long after that it was til I collapsed. I still dont really know what day I did collapse. Im not even sure about the month. I do know though that it happened in front of my children. I was laying on the floor basically dieing in front of them. I was saved because my sister called and figured out something was wrong. From what I have been told my system was shutting down and my family was told that I may not live.

Well obviously I did but not without a lot of physical and mental problems. I was in the hospital for a while and basically because of the lack of B1 and B12 it caused me to have a few mental health isssues, to say the least. Hallucinations are a blast. With this and the small problem of not being able to feel my arms and legs and being completly bed bound my family had to make the hard choice to place me in a long-term care facility. I was there for a few months and was given daily PT to help me learn to get myself in and out of a wheelchair. I left there in a wheelchair with alot of other medical equipment. Just a little perspective on just how low I took DAILY shots of both B1 and B12 for about 4 months then to weekly for a few months and now monthly, plus I take it daily in supplementation, to have OK levles.

I also left with the memory problems. Not your run off the mill.."where are my keys?" But the "what keys?" I dont remember day to day stuff. I dont remember Bdays, christmas or conversations. My family has to take care of all my health and personal needs. They transport me and pay my bills. I will never work again. I most likely will never drive again. It is not known if I will ever get better. I may not be able to remember the day my children graduate or walk down the isle. As for the here and now I wont remember my baby turning 10 tomorrow.

I could go on with what I have lost because of my stupidity. Yes I have learned a lot of valuable lessons. It is too bad that it had to come at the expense of so much. So for those of you reading this and have questioned just how important can vitamins be (cause you feel so great right?) ask yourself just how important is it for you to feel your legs? How important is it for you to remember today? Ask yourself just how important is your life.
Cindy O.
on 12/11/08 1:18 pm - Bryan, TX
Great, awesome post.  Thank you for sharing.  We must all be vigilant to supplement and be our own health advocate. 

Good health to you, and may you continue to heal. 



I do not give medical advice.  I offer my opinion, nothing more. 
on 12/11/08 1:54 pm - IN
WOW!!! that story struck a cord with me, I will immediely begin taking all of my vits. tomorrow. I only take a few because I get tired of chewing and all that other yucky stuff. But no longer will I take my life's future for granted. Thanks for opening up my eyes and understanding.  You are in my prayers.

on 12/11/08 10:59 pm
Im glad that it helped you realize how important vitamins are. Yeah they are a pain in the ass, believe me I know. Even now as I look at my pill organizer Im thinking I really really hate the hassel of it all. But it is a must. So as I would tell anyone else..I am telling myself.. SUCK IT UP!!! LOL Good luck!
on 12/11/08 2:24 pm - fairbanks, AK
excellent post!! I had no idea things could get that bad...this just reminds me as to no matter what
take those vitamins and supplements...I truly hope there is a good progression to a normal life for you...and want to thank you for sharing.


SW 294 / CW193 / GW 160  HT 5'7"

on 12/11/08 2:29 pm
Thank you Tanya for this post, I'm wishing for a full recovery for you.
We see people all the time on these forums that make a decision about wls type due to the amount of vitamins the surgery require, we also see people that take a as in one Flintstone and a couple ca+,  B-12,or/and b-1 and call it a day.
I hope this serves a warning to all of us to check our labs know what your levels are and strive for optimal levels,  your surgeon may say
that your labs are great, great for the Surgeon may be within the Laboratory range that ran the actual blood work which is fine for a normie.
Do u have a copy of the labs from pre-op to present? also re-think the once a year labs, you can always ask for additional labs I do mine quarterly as I am battling  a few low levels , if my levels where within an acceptable range for me  I would test twice a year , we have to be our own advocate more-over, do you know if the levels are creeping down since wls?   Be proactive please!  we are our own Advocate for good health after wls, good Luck to you all.
                     ******Take your vitamins*******
on 12/11/08 11:10 pm
yeah labs are very important. I get them done about quarterly now. Not too long ago I started feeling crappy again and I thought there is no way I can be low on anything!! I was thinking it was my B's again. Now how could I be low on B's right? I think you could squeeze me and I'd ooze out some B vitamins. Well I get some bloodwork..again..and wait for the call. Well my surgeons office calls.."guess what? Your B1 and B12 are good. (YEAH!) BUT..your iron is too low." So is the life of a post-op. The ever learning and changing cycle. I have been so focused on my B crap that I failed in adding enough Iron.

So as you said labs are so important. It is up to us to be proactive about our health. We see all the time.."my surgeon this/my surgeon that" they are not the ultimate gods of weight loss. Be your own advocate and educate yourself on what the body needs. And it aint a kids vit.
on 12/11/08 8:17 pm - County Line, MI
WOW! Thank you so much for coming forward and posting this, and I am so sorry you had to go through this and now have all the problems you have to live with. It is so easy to slack on the vitamins once the weight is gone and you feel great, but it will come back to bite you further down the road as you found out. I get so sick of taking all the vitamins and supplements that I do (13-15 pills per day)but I try to always get all of them in. This is a good reminder to try even harder!

Highest -380  Surgery- 345     Goal- 150   Current-150     5 ft. 8 in.

on 12/11/08 8:55 pm

Do me a favor and post this, every few days, every few weeks, just as a reminder.

You know I'm with you.

I have neurological issues that have not been explained - no diagnosis - and I too blame vitamins - or lack of.  But, I took them, most of the time.  Childrens' chewables most of the time.  (Not anymore, but I believe that my "damage" is permanent.)  

I have a cognitive disorder, memory loss, and seizures - for the neuro issues - other issues might be more attributed to the medicine taken for the problem.  (Topamax.)


on 12/11/08 9:11 pm
This also serves as a reminder to get your labs done periodically.  To make sure all your levels are appropriate so that this doesn't happen.  Just because they were "normal" once, doesn't mean a year and half, two years down the road, there haven't been changes.
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