Eventually your pouch will hold a bit more food.
But it will NEVER (almost) hold what you could once eat.
Even at 3 yrs post-op, I can pack in some food, but I can NOT eat what I once did.
Your surgeon fixed your stomach, but he did not fix your head.
GET THEE SOME COUNSELING to overcome the food demon.
Otherwise, I am afraid you had surgery for nothing!
Hugs! You are at the height of "what-in-the-world-have-I-done-itis". You are still VERY limited in your food choices, still having pain, and the anesthesia is working on your attitude. Take a slow deep breath and know that this will pass.
In a month you will be amazed at how good you feel. The weight will be flying off. You will begin to need new clothes every week. Those are the days of roses and sunshine. Then you memories of today will fade.
This will work, be patient, follow the rules, be thankful for the blessing you've been given. Do not try to stretch your pouch! You are close enough to your surgery that you could rupture and die. Find a good therapist and unload your frustrations. Go for a walk and "stomp" off the emotions but don't sabotage yourself with eating. (Coming from someone who understands).