How Now Brown Cow...Constipation Help and way TMI!
Thank you so much for the suggestions, though after suffering with this, I'm so sorry others have the same affliction!
The Fleet enema didn't work, so waiting on the Miralax. In the meantime, I've upped my water and will go higher fiber as soon as I'm eating again.
Thanks again!
The Fleet enema didn't work, so waiting on the Miralax. In the meantime, I've upped my water and will go higher fiber as soon as I'm eating again.
Thanks again!
DS:9 yrs old / DD:5 yrs old / DS: 1 yr old
if you have not had a bm in 2 weeks and the enema did not work, you need to go to the ER immediately. sounds like you have a severe impaction, the presence of blood is particularly alarming. if it is not treated immediately, it can cause many awful things including sepsis and even death. since you are PG, you could be harming your baby by the build up of toxins leaching back into your body. again, please seek medical attention immediately. this is not something to mess around with.
I had the same concern you did, but the on-call surgeon was very "ho-hum" about the whole thing. Apparently if I were writhing in pain and unable to speak on the phone, it would be a more serious issue! In all reality, (WARNING TMI) I was able to "un-impact" and pass some of the mass, so I know that this is better than nothing. I'm calling again tomorrow morning if nothing else happens.
Thanks for your concern and post!
Thanks for your concern and post!
DS:9 yrs old / DD:5 yrs old / DS: 1 yr old