How long will I miss work after RY?

on 8/18/08 1:56 am - Sycamore, IL

I have just started to seriously look at the surgery for weight loss.

Because of my size the MD wants to do an open procedure.

I was just wondering how long I will have to miss work after an open ry?

6 weeks is about normal for open abdomen surgeries, is it the same for RY?.

Start Wt.:485
Surgical Date: 12/10/08 Open RNY
Goal Wt: 275
Present Wt: 224 LBS!!!!!!!

Ya, thats right, Im UNDER MY GOAL BY 50LBS!!
WOO HOO!!!!!!!

on 8/18/08 2:05 am - Cameron Park, CA
I know lapr. is usually 2-3 weeks not sure about open I'd ASSUME 6 weeks but like they say don't assume anything it makes and ass out of u and me lol
Michelle S.
on 8/18/08 2:11 am - North Jersey, NJ
I put in for 3 weeks for lap. RNY...and it turned out that I was one of those who is a pure baby when it came to pain, so I needed another full week.  I have a desk job, but I also have to commute on an express bus everyday.  Luckily, my company offers short term disabilty, so I didnt have to use any sick or vacation time for my 4 weeks off.

If you go that route - be sure to fill out the paperwork BEFORE surgery, cuz you will need your doc to sign off on it (he listed a recommended 5 weeks off for my lap RNY)

Feel free to read my blog (going back to FEB-MAR) to see what I went thru pain wise.

Best of Luck!


   Lilypie - (HPu4)
on 8/18/08 2:25 am - Newton, MA

I'm waiting for my lap RY so I don't have that experience to speak from however, I have had two abdominal surgeries in the past - one was open, one was lap.

I was told 6 - 8 weeks for the open (bikini incision) and this is the same timeframe that surgeon predicted for open RY. I went back to work after 5 weeks - that was a bit too aggressive, another week would have been best. For my 2nd surgery, I was told a week or two and I went back in a week (probably could have done so even sooner). Again the RY will be different but I think that there might be similarity in post surgery time frames.

Good Luck to you.

on 8/18/08 2:29 am - Mexico
hi, i go back to work 1 week after Rny. i work to 9am to 2pm and i goo to school from 4 pm to 9 pm. and i was ok.  no problem at all. i just wanted to get out of my house.
you are gonna be just fine.

on 8/18/08 2:42 am - Bowie, MD
I took 4 weeks.  I really could have come back last week.  Just wanted to get my eating as normal as possible before I went back. 
on 8/18/08 2:52 am - Sycamore, IL
The ones who went back right away, did you have an open procedure, or lap?

I am having an open procedure, not lap.

I usually recover pretty quick from these things, I just can't afford to be off work more than 4 weeks or so.

I guess its just something else to worry about.

Start Wt.:485
Surgical Date: 12/10/08 Open RNY
Goal Wt: 275
Present Wt: 224 LBS!!!!!!!

Ya, thats right, Im UNDER MY GOAL BY 50LBS!!
WOO HOO!!!!!!!

Dx E
on 8/18/08 3:24 am - Northern, MS
4 weeks seems ample for MOST guys who have theirs open.
Obviously everyone is different, but I have seen guys
who had "desk jobs" back in 2 weeks with an open RNY
And others who had strenuos construction work,
Back within 3.
I just wanted to drop by an Invitation.
It’s great to see other men out here.
We make up such a small percentage (12%)
Of the people having Weight Loss Surgery,
But tend to reach our goal weights quicker and with less
Or at least Different hassles than the Gals
Due to Male physiology.
Drop by the Men’s Locker Room Social Group
And check out what other men like you are going through.
It’s a diverse make up of Dads, Singles, Older, younger, etc…
Pre-Ops, Post-Ops new and some Old (at Goal) Post-Ops.
Lap-Banders, RNY’ers DS, etc…
Great bunch of guys with the mutual understanding
That WLS for Men can be a totally different Journey.
Stop by to add your questions, advice, opinions, and info at-
It’s Great to know we’re not so alone,
And that there are others pulling for you.

Hope to see you ‘Round the Boards!
Best Wishes-

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

(deactivated member)
on 8/18/08 3:09 am - River Falls, WI

I had open RNY (by choice) at age 52. I was back to work after 3 weeks. I could have gone back earlier except that I was SO tired in the middle of the day. I was still easily tired when I returned but I survived it.

Last year I took 7 weeks off for a hysterectomy and lymph node removal. The worst part of the recovery was getting rid of all that nasty gas they pumped into me from doing it lap. For me, that was horrible.  I could have gone back earlier, but frankly, why do we push ourselves so hard.

My personal recommendation: take as much time as you are allotted, usually 6 weeks. By the way, my company required a signed letter from my surgeon before I could go back after both of those surgeries.

There's also the consideration that you simply never know how you'll fare after such major surgery.  So first and foremost, plan to put yourself first on the scale of important things to take care of.

(deactivated member)
on 8/18/08 3:13 am - TX

My original plan was to go back after two weeks.  But, one week to the day after my original surgery I had to go back for emergency surgery.  Ultimately I was out for 3 months. 

Plan for the best but prepare for the worst.


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