Thyroid condition and soy products question
Does anyone feel well versed on this topic? I will ask the doctor and the nutritionist when I see them on Aug. 21st, but thought I'd check here to see what you all knew!
Soy is a very peculiar protein. Its boiavailablility is not very high, yet is it very cheap to produce.
In asia they use soy, but only fermented product (historicaly) and no one was consumining large qties of it. In america, we think, if a little is good, then a lot would be better. Nothing farther from thruth.
In today world is almost impossible to avoid soy since it is in everything: bread, pasta (protein rich), any souse, etc. soy or soy oil or soy lecitin is added to most food. Check the lables.
Good luck.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
I've done quite a bit of personal research on this ... The conclusion I came to (for me) is that I do use soy, but I try not to eat any withint a couple of hours of taking my meds. My labs always come back normal, so I'm going to keep on doing what I do. I think some people are more sensitive to this than others ... Some people struggle to get their numbers on the normal side. For me, I take my med and use some soy products (usually veggie burgers). Definitely talk to your NUT.
I used to love roasted soy nuts and ate them like crazy about 7 years ago......I am sure that was a contributing factor to the uncontrolled labs. Soy effects the absorption of thyroid medications. Soy is also known as a goitrogen food that is known for actually suppressing the functions of the thyroid gland. There are other foods that fall into this same category like broccoli and cabbage.....another one of my fav foods that I only eat small amounts of once in awhile.
I figured since my thyroid obviously wasn't functioning properly, no need to put anymore stress on it, so I try to avoid or limit the foods that contain soy.
I agree with another poster, some people are more sensitive than others.
Definately ask your doc and nutritionist what their opinions are on the issue. I would be willing to bet that it isn't something to be overly concerned about, but most endocrinologist's feel just the opposite.
Have you heard anything about certain vitamins and herbs effecting the effectiveness of the medications?
I also heard that patients with Hypothyroidism are a greater risk in relation to Bariatric surgery..Is that so?
Please let me know what you learn,,obviously I need to learn more about this as well..thanks TamiN