Thanks for the well wishes....

on 7/28/08 11:56 am - Portsmouth, OH

I knew I'd better pop on tonight and tell you all thank you for all the well wishes. I worked till noon today then Mom and I went to refused to go near the place over the weekend...even at 2 on a Monday afternoon is was a mad house. I've got mini banana muffins in the oven...taking them for the surgery my banana bread doesn't get me good results, nothing will.  Then I had to FINISH cleaning my's done and well I just have too many dang clothes because I bought a dresser, it's full and I STILL have clothes that I will just have to put folded in a basket.

I got a call from the patient rep this afternoon, not sure if I had told you all about the less than stellar care I got once I was in my room last time...I have ALWAYS gotten very good care from this hospital, and did so about 75% of the time this last time but that 25% was pretty poor so I wrote an e-mail praising the good and letting them know about the bad. She said she would have someone meet me in the morning.

So that's it...I do feel nervous, not so much about the surgery but about the prep...I am a very hard IV stick and last time I litterally had one guy trying to start it in my neck while another was almost ready to stick my wrist...the neck was fine...but my wrist...NOOOO!!!!...and that is why the guy was going for my neck but then the other walks up and starts taping my wrist and I of course couldn't move or yell at him because I had needle almost in my neck...TG...the neck guy was quicker of the 2 and got it started. Then they shot me up with something good...and I was FINE.

Oh yeah I also have my big Marks-a-lot marker...just to make sure his little one doesn't run out before he gets me all

Well that's it for oven just buzzed. Check for updates via Eggface.

I have Lipedema and Lymphedema. I also have a passion for Obesity and Health Insurance Advocacy

Blog: Facebook: Born2lbFat Twitter: @born2lbfat

on 7/28/08 12:01 pm - NJ
Hi Sarah!!!

I'll be thinking good thoughts for you and keeping you in my prayers!!! 

Love & Hugs,
Doris :o)

               Pre~op / Current / Goal               
                              332  / 151 / 150??    

on 7/28/08 12:02 pm - Nashua, NH
Good Luck Sarah,
I'm sure all will go well for you but I will say a prayer for you tonight. And good going, feeding those surgical teams will keep them 
All kidding aside, best wishes for an easy surgery and speedy recovery...I feel your pain with the IV. I too am very difficult to stick so I really feel for you....
Laurie in NH     Expect the Best !  You will receive the Best....
on 7/28/08 12:03 pm - Humboldt, TN
Prayers, HUGS, Well Wishes.......Lighting candles........ crossing fingers and toes......... Seriously Sarah I wish you ALL the VERY best!

Work like you don't need the money......

on 7/28/08 12:26 pm - Kendall Park, NJ
I'll be thinking about you and looking for updates! I wish I had one of those banana muffins right now!
on 7/28/08 12:32 pm - Portsmouth, OH
My mom and roommate are salivating...and keep asking me if I set the don't want them ruined...and they BOTH just had some on

I have Lipedema and Lymphedema. I also have a passion for Obesity and Health Insurance Advocacy

Blog: Facebook: Born2lbFat Twitter: @born2lbfat

on 7/28/08 1:16 pm - Aberdeen, NJ

You are in my thoughts and prayers!

Nancy G.
on 7/28/08 1:30 pm - La Salle, IL
Good Luck Sara

Hope your surgery is uneventful.  I still would not hesitate to draw dotted lines saying cut here.    Hope all goes well.  Will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.  Hope to see the "new" Sara soon. 

    Cat Lady

Dragons1Beast ~
on 7/28/08 1:47 pm - Pensacola, FL
Best wishes for you tomorrow Sarah.  And I hope that ALL of your nurses are good to you this time! 

If a turtle is without a shell, is he homeless or naked??

on 7/28/08 2:09 pm - Albany, OR
Good luck tomorrow. Wish you all the best and a very fast and easy recovery!!  
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