How do you know if you stretched your pouch

on 7/28/08 9:13 am - NC
I'm very careful with my portions...but I wonder some times, how would I actually know if I stretched/was stretching my pouch? Would I feel it? Would it hurt?




on 7/28/08 10:26 am - Metairie, LA
It's not so easy to stretch your pouch. Doctors use the part of our stomachs with the least elasticity to make our pouches. We begin to eat more because we learn how to chew better and eat slower, and to relax when we eat. Also, slider foods (soft foods like puddings, cottage cheese, etc.) go down easier and we can eat more.

Stretching your pouch is not as dangerous as not following the universal pouch rules: protein first, no drinking with meals, 60 oz of water a day, etc. That's what causes weight loss to stop or slow down, and/or regain.

Don't worry so much about stretching. Focus on keeping the pouch rules. Good luck to you.



Dx E
on 7/28/08 10:43 am - Northern, MS
an old re-post of mine.
less to worry about there
Than you would think.

Best Wishes-

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

on 7/28/08 11:45 am - Harrison, ME
Great information thank you!!


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on 7/28/08 10:30 pm - NC
Thanks, I was just really curious.




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