OT: Still haven't received stimulus check...anyone else?
Goggle "where is my stimulus?" and you get the IRS website...not just the one with the SSN and schedule...you get their new website that allows you to enter some personal information...and info from your TAX paperwork and then it will tell you the status on your payment.
https://sa2.www4.irs.gov/irfof/IRServlet?app=IRACTC&selectLa nguage=en
https://sa2.www4.irs.gov/irfof/IRServlet?app=IRACTC&selectLa nguage=en
I have Lipedema and Lymphedema. I also have a passion for Obesity and Health Insurance Advocacy.
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Here is something that was posted on Yahoo News a few days ago:
Payment schedule. If your return was processed by the IRS by April 15, you were supposed to get your stimulus payment based on dates determined by the last two digits of your Social Security number and whether you use the direct-deposit payment system.
Here's the schedule for the next three weeks, according to the IRS Web site: If the last two digits of your Social Security number are 64 to 75, your check should be in the mail by June 27. If your last two digits are 76 through 87, your check should be sent by July 4. And if the last two digits are 88 through 99, the check should be in the mail by July 11.
This seemingly precise schedule has led to questions. Some people assumed that if they had filed their returns by the April 15 deadline, they would get their checks based on the Treasury schedule. Not so. The key issue is whether your return was processed by April 15, not whether it was filed by then.
Rep. Pat Tiberi (R., Ohio) says he has heard from more than 50 constituents who filed around April 15 and want to know why their checks haven't arrived. Among those who had expected to get a check sooner was his father. At last week's hearing, Rep. Tiberi said his father was "pretty frustrated" by the experience. But this week, he learned that his payment will be sent early next month.
If you got a six-month extension, haven't yet filed and want your payment in a hurry, here's a suggestion: File your return electronically. Your return will be processed more quickly and your payment will arrive sooner.
Glitches. If you already got your stimulus payment and it didn't include money to reflect your kids, you have company. The IRS says it will mail out about 230,000 additional payments around mid-July after discovering some tax returns were "improperly filed and did not capture the information needed to generate the $300 in qualifying child payments."
More from Yahoo! Finance:
? Are Those Rebate Checks Helping?
? Your Tax Bill: How McCain, Obama Differ
? Stimulus Checks: Millions Waiting, Others Receive Two
Visit the Tax Center
In some cases, parents didn't check the right box to get the $300 child payment. In other cases, "a few tax software products primarily used by tax professionals did not capture the proper information needed for issuing the child stimulus payment."
To fix the problem, the IRS is "taking extra steps to identify the affected taxpayers and send them separate checks to cover their qualifying children." You don't need to call the IRS or take any additional steps. These payments will be made by paper check, even if you received your regular tax refund or initial stimulus payment by direct deposit.
Separately, the IRS in early May found a problem with 1,500 stimulus checks that were directly deposited into the wrong accounts, Mr. Shulman said. That was the result of a "programming error" that occurred during the initial computer payment run. "We immediately corrected this problem, and no additional erroneous deposits have been made." All taxpayers affected have since been sent a check.
Getting help. The IRS Web site (www.irs.gov) has extensive information, including a list of answers to frequently asked questions. If the IRS made a mistake in computing the amount of your refund, consider contacting the IRS's Taxpayer Advocate Service. This unit can be especially helpful for people facing financial distress. For details, go to the IRS Web site and click on "Taxpayer Advocate" on the home page, or call 877-777-4778.
? Email: [email protected]
Payment schedule. If your return was processed by the IRS by April 15, you were supposed to get your stimulus payment based on dates determined by the last two digits of your Social Security number and whether you use the direct-deposit payment system.
Here's the schedule for the next three weeks, according to the IRS Web site: If the last two digits of your Social Security number are 64 to 75, your check should be in the mail by June 27. If your last two digits are 76 through 87, your check should be sent by July 4. And if the last two digits are 88 through 99, the check should be in the mail by July 11.
This seemingly precise schedule has led to questions. Some people assumed that if they had filed their returns by the April 15 deadline, they would get their checks based on the Treasury schedule. Not so. The key issue is whether your return was processed by April 15, not whether it was filed by then.
Rep. Pat Tiberi (R., Ohio) says he has heard from more than 50 constituents who filed around April 15 and want to know why their checks haven't arrived. Among those who had expected to get a check sooner was his father. At last week's hearing, Rep. Tiberi said his father was "pretty frustrated" by the experience. But this week, he learned that his payment will be sent early next month.
If you got a six-month extension, haven't yet filed and want your payment in a hurry, here's a suggestion: File your return electronically. Your return will be processed more quickly and your payment will arrive sooner.
Glitches. If you already got your stimulus payment and it didn't include money to reflect your kids, you have company. The IRS says it will mail out about 230,000 additional payments around mid-July after discovering some tax returns were "improperly filed and did not capture the information needed to generate the $300 in qualifying child payments."
More from Yahoo! Finance:
? Are Those Rebate Checks Helping?
? Your Tax Bill: How McCain, Obama Differ
? Stimulus Checks: Millions Waiting, Others Receive Two
Visit the Tax Center
In some cases, parents didn't check the right box to get the $300 child payment. In other cases, "a few tax software products primarily used by tax professionals did not capture the proper information needed for issuing the child stimulus payment."
To fix the problem, the IRS is "taking extra steps to identify the affected taxpayers and send them separate checks to cover their qualifying children." You don't need to call the IRS or take any additional steps. These payments will be made by paper check, even if you received your regular tax refund or initial stimulus payment by direct deposit.
Separately, the IRS in early May found a problem with 1,500 stimulus checks that were directly deposited into the wrong accounts, Mr. Shulman said. That was the result of a "programming error" that occurred during the initial computer payment run. "We immediately corrected this problem, and no additional erroneous deposits have been made." All taxpayers affected have since been sent a check.
Getting help. The IRS Web site (www.irs.gov) has extensive information, including a list of answers to frequently asked questions. If the IRS made a mistake in computing the amount of your refund, consider contacting the IRS's Taxpayer Advocate Service. This unit can be especially helpful for people facing financial distress. For details, go to the IRS Web site and click on "Taxpayer Advocate" on the home page, or call 877-777-4778.
? Email: [email protected]
Cat Lady