Congratulations Sonja, Pinalope, Gwen & Theresa!

Kim Meeks
on 7/9/08 8:25 am - lubbock, TX
P what is quixotic? kf

                     trip to laurie's

 Kim Fiveash   
START: 270 /GOAL 150/  Lowest 129 /Current 140 (my new goal is 135 - half of 270=)










(deactivated member)
on 7/9/08 9:55 am - Somewhere Else
Quixotic is another support and information site(started by Tek and some of us folks who support him). My signature plate has a clickable link if you'd like to check it out. There are some great folks there who are part of the community, some who have never been on OH, some who had been banned from OH and some who are everywhere :-) Check it out if you'd like, it can be lots of fun. We set up meetings etc also....I've met a lot of folks in person through Quix :-)
Kim Meeks
on 7/9/08 11:28 am - lubbock, TX

                     trip to laurie's

 Kim Fiveash   
START: 270 /GOAL 150/  Lowest 129 /Current 140 (my new goal is 135 - half of 270=)










(deactivated member)
on 7/9/08 11:31 am - Somewhere Else
You are very welcome, my dear
(deactivated member)
on 7/13/08 6:13 am - IN

<><>Hey daughter kitten fold for some reason i have not seen it.I am not on much when i do get on i want to see you:)Congulations  to you all:)i need autographs i sure hope you guys and Karen and Bill a hug and a pinch and tell W we send loves too..Love Mamacat

(deactivated member)
on 7/14/08 5:25 am - Somewhere Else

Hey Mama! Hope you're doing well today. See the new dr???

Thank you for the congrats, my autograph isn't worth anything, not even on a cheque LOL

We may be seeing Karen and Bill at the end of August, we hope so!

I met another goal this weekend...I went parasailing!!!!!!


on 7/19/08 10:21 pm - Wylie, TX
Hey thats pretty cool that you will be a celebrity lol, contrats

Philosophy of life "Treat others like you wish to be Treated" 
              Only you can make yourself happy!!!

(deactivated member)
on 7/20/08 6:31 am - Somewhere Else
LOL thanks...Celebrity, not likely hahahaha....we missed doing the TV interview with our surgeon(we were out of town when we were contacted ans asked to do it and had to decline), but are penciled in for the next one. Now THAT will be cool LOL (let's just hope it's not for french TV )LOLOLOLOL
(deactivated member)
on 7/10/08 12:05 pm - Midland City, AL
Hi DX Don't we all remember SOCKMAN   I have him in a special place    I have been here in the Photo Department so long I have grown roots.  I think there is a bit of confusion.  My profile is not the one mentioned above (unless there is something I don't know about )  I am a 7 year successful post-op VBGer and my profile is found here Gwen's Profile Were you in Pittsburgh in 2006?????   Congratulations to everyone
Dx E
on 7/11/08 3:45 pm - Northern, MS

Hey Gwen...
I thought it was you mentioned in the article above!
(I typed VSG when I meant VBG)
I couldn't get the link above in the post to work...
Yours is the profile I send people to when they ask about long term success.
In a meer 5 years out, so still a bit of a newbie!
I didn't make it to the Pittsburgh Meet in '06
Just the Lexington One.
I've been a reader/lurker at AMOS since back in the end of '02,
And started posting in 03....
(Haven't shut-up since!)
I have an "abridged version" of Sockman somewhere,
And it's still makes me giggle.

Great to see you out and about!

Best Wishes-

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

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