"Sitting Side-By-Side" (In the Restaurant)
I was sitting there (alone, of course
) in my booth at a local restaurant last night when a young couple went by me and sat at a booth across from and just ahead of mine. Instead of one of the pair sitting on each side of the booth, they decided, as some couples do, to sit side by side (obviously they were neither one MO
). At first their backs were to me, but, after awhile, the guy slid out and went around to the other side. It looked then like they were going to sit in the normal fashion, but she too then slid out and now they sat on tthe same side of the booth, but facing me.
I see couples sit like that sometimes in restaurants, and I"m curious as to the significance of that arrangement, if anything, when they do. Is it a sign they feel an extremely strong feeling of closeness as a couple? Is it a sign of insecurity or jealousy by one toward the other? A display of a feeling of possessiveness or power of one over the other? or something else?
Please clue me in on this, if you have one ..

Two relationships ago, me and my BF did this. We weren't sloberring PDA people or anything, but we were REALLY passionately in love, and held hands at all costs. Of course, that didn't work out, so go figure! I personally don't love sitting next to someone- akward eye contact. Then you wonder, does my breath smell? Do I have lettuce in my teetch? Why are his pores so large?