New here.

on 6/30/08 7:19 am - Oak Lawn , IL

Hello! I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Vinnie and I'm from the Chicago area. I started weighing in around 620 lbs., but am now down to 480 lbs. I hope to have the surgery done soon, but I first want to get down to under 400 lbs. I am looking forward to posting here and getting to know some of you.    --Vinnie

(deactivated member)
on 6/30/08 7:20 am - Vacaytown, HI
Wow great job on the weight loss thus far.  In my experience I have seen the men lose faster than us poor women ha ha.  Best wishes!! Jess
on 6/30/08 7:20 am - Panama City, FL
Welcome and good luck on your journey Leann

A journey of a thousand miles must start with one step!

(deactivated member)
on 6/30/08 7:29 am - Vacaytown, HI
By the way I read your profile and was truly touched by your story.  Please know you have great support here!!  I can relate to some of what you said about the PTSD etc.  So if you ever need an ear, Im here!  Jess
on 6/30/08 7:36 am - Nashua, NH
    Welcome Vinnie,  This is a great resource and you will make a lot of nice friends.  Congrat's on the weight lose so far you are amazing....
Laurie in NH     Expect the Best !  You will receive the Best....
on 6/30/08 8:02 am, edited 6/30/08 8:02 am - San Francisco, CA
Welcome, Vinnie -- AWESOME job with your weight loss!  I wish you all the best on your journey. You're on your way!!!!!!

Be safe and well, B.B.

on 6/30/08 8:07 am - Lancaster, PA
wow welcome and great job on the weight loss so far.
on 6/30/08 8:12 am - mesa, AZ
Oak Lawn ???  I grew up in Oak Forest - right down the road !!  Congrats on your decission  - what medical group will you have surgery with ??  
on 6/30/08 8:18 am - South of Buffalo, NY
Congratulations on your journey thus far ... Looks like you are well on your way to a healthier new you!!!   Annette

Dx E
on 6/30/08 8:29 am - Northern, MS
Hey Vinnie, Hope you find all of the info and experience you are looking for.

I just wanted to drop by an Invitation. It’s great to see other men out here. We make up such a small percentage (12%) Of the people having Weight Loss Surgery, But tend to reach our goal weights quicker and with less Or at least Different hassles than the Gals Due to Male physiology. Drop by the Men’s Message Board And check out what other men like you are going through. It’s a diverse make up of Dads, Singles, Older, younger, etc… Pre-Ops, Post-Ops new and some Old (at Goal) Post-Ops. Lap-Banders, RNY’ers DS, etc… Great bunch of guys with the mutual understanding That WLS, for Men, can be a totally different Journey. Stop by to add your questions, advice, opinions, and info at-

It’s Great to know we’re not so alone, And that there are others pulling for you. Hope to see you ‘Round the Boards! Best Wishes- Dx

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