Redline energy drink? Anyone??

on 6/10/08 12:21 am - MA
So for those of you who DONT drink caffeine PLS ignore this post LOL So---for approx 2 mths now while en route to work ( i walk the 2 miles to the T) I stop by 7-11 EVERY morning and pick up my morning ****tails!! lol 1 Redline Extreme Energy Drink 2 Function Pomegranite  2 Fuze 0 carb YES I DRINK THESE EVERY MORNING along with a Protein shake... My question is this---since MOST struggle with LOW energy like myself.. this drink gives me that POP i need everyday! It gives me an extra STEP in my 2 STEP and perks me right up!  Granted ANY caffeine would do this BUT this has a slew of different blends INCLUDING st. Johns Wort...  Anywhoo.. have you tried it? What do ya think? you start out drinking 1/2 the bottle and then progress to a full bottle. They are VERY pricey but to me its worth EVERY PENNY. I also just found out they come in different flavors.. Its HILARIOUS Hubby and Fam know WHEREVER we go I have to go get my REDLINE first! YOU call it addiction-- I call it LUST lol (ok im in a weird funk of a mood today!!!) thoughts anyone? good or bad are welcome!! :)
I WILL remain POSITIVE and  by such thought---it SHALL be!
on 6/10/08 12:56 am - Medford, MA
Aside from the caffeine, this stuff has unspecified amounts of 5-HTP and yohimbine, both of which have no business being in a soft drink, let alone in a pill, available to unsuspecting people without a prescription.  The fact that Orrin Hatch's goons eviscerated the FDA in the 1990s allowing such stuff to be sold is an outrage.  Basically, someone has to die first before the FDA can regulate such "dietary supplements".  DO NOT assume this stuff is innocuous because it's sold openly. Of course, this is exactly what Redline marketing types want their customers to "fear".  "Don't drink if you've under 18!!!"  "Start with only 1/2 a bottle!!!"  These phony, insincere warnings are nothing more than honey proffered to flies.  If it's "dangerous", it must really work!  The problem with this kind of marketing is that the stuff really has the potential to be dangerous, and not in any sort of a good way. Yohimbine is an alkaloid extracted from yohimbe bark; basically, it's an adrenergic stimulant.  This is not a good thing to mix with caffeine.  Try taking your blood pressure after a few bottles of this drek! 5-HTP is an amino acid precursor to the neurotransmitter serotonin.  The problem with 5-HTP is that it doesn't really exist in a normal diet; it's not a constituent amino acid of proteins.  Usually, the amino acid tryptophan is converted into 5-HTP though the actions of an enzyme, tryptophan hydroxylase.  This enzyme is present only in very specialized neurons in the body.  Once 5-HTP is formed within these neurons, it's converted via the ubiquitous enzyme aromatic amino acid decarboxylase (AAAD) into serotonin (which stays within the neurons where it belongs). When you swallow 5-HTP, you're getting a neurotransmitter precursor floating around your gut and your bloodstream where nature never intended it.  The enzyme AAAD is everywhere, not just localized within serotonergic neurons, and you end up producing a lot of free-floating serotonin in your gut and in your blood.  NOT a great idea.  If you want to get an idea of what can happen when your have too much serotonin formed in the periphery look up "carcinoid tumor".  On the other hand, it probably takes a few years of drinking this stuff before your heart valves start to thicken and you begin to have symptoms, so enjoy it while you can still swallow easily! This is not good stuff; stick to coffee. /Steve
on 6/10/08 1:05 am - MA
On June 10, 2008 at 7:56 AM Pacific Time, foobear wrote:
Aside from the caffeine, this stuff has unspecified amounts of 5-HTP and yohimbine, both of which have no business being in a soft drink, let alone in a pill, available to unsuspecting people without a prescription.  The fact that Orrin Hatch's goons eviscerated the FDA in the 1990s allowing such stuff to be sold is an outrage.  Basically, someone has to die first before the FDA can regulate such "dietary supplements".  DO NOT assume this stuff is innocuous because it's sold openly. Of course, this is exactly what Redline marketing types want their customers to "fear".  "Don't drink if you've under 18!!!"  "Start with only 1/2 a bottle!!!"  These phony, insincere warnings are nothing more than honey proffered to flies.  If it's "dangerous", it must really work!  The problem with this kind of marketing is that the stuff really has the potential to be dangerous, and not in any sort of a good way. Yohimbine is an alkaloid extracted from yohimbe bark; basically, it's an adrenergic stimulant.  This is not a good thing to mix with caffeine.  Try taking your blood pressure after a few bottles of this drek! 5-HTP is an amino acid precursor to the neurotransmitter serotonin.  The problem with 5-HTP is that it doesn't really exist in a normal diet; it's not a constituent amino acid of proteins.  Usually, the amino acid tryptophan is converted into 5-HTP though the actions of an enzyme, tryptophan hydroxylase.  This enzyme is present only in very specialized neurons in the body.  Once 5-HTP is formed within these neurons, it's converted via the ubiquitous enzyme aromatic amino acid decarboxylase (AAAD) into serotonin (which stays within the neurons where it belongs). When you swallow 5-HTP, you're getting a neurotransmitter precursor floating around your gut and your bloodstream where nature never intended it.  The enzyme AAAD is everywhere, not just localized within serotonergic neurons, and you end up producing a lot of free-floating serotonin in your gut and in your blood.  NOT a great idea.  If you want to get an idea of what can happen when your have too much serotonin formed in the periphery look up "carcinoid tumor".  On the other hand, it probably takes a few years of drinking this stuff before your heart valves start to thicken and you begin to have symptoms, so enjoy it while you can still swallow easily! This is not good stuff; stick to coffee. /Steve
Thanks STEVE that is JUST the answer I was looking for!!!!
I WILL remain POSITIVE and  by such thought---it SHALL be!
on 6/10/08 1:24 am
I drank Redline ONCE and it gave me a rush I could not define and scared me.  I was buzzing out of my pants. I am slightly afraid of it. Now, I am an avid consumer of most everything ELSE, but Redline is some HARSH stuff.
on 6/10/08 1:30 am - MA
On June 10, 2008 at 8:24 AM Pacific Time, Melting Mama wrote:
I drank Redline ONCE and it gave me a rush I could not define and scared me.  I was buzzing out of my pants. I am slightly afraid of it. Now, I am an avid consumer of most everything ELSE, but Redline is some HARSH stuff.
Yes Melting Mama it is hARDCORE----but of course once you get used to it--its not as bad.. I have EXTREMLY low energy after surgery and unfortunetly until I see my doc in 2 wks.. i dont know of any other drink/med that can Perk me up as well as this one does!!
I WILL remain POSITIVE and  by such thought---it SHALL be!
on 6/10/08 1:35 am
If he approves of it - then - go for it - right?  It works - I know.  I go through a serious amount of everything else - so I can only imagine... Have you had your blood levels checked lately?
on 6/10/08 2:14 am - MA
On June 10, 2008 at 8:35 AM Pacific Time, Melting Mama wrote:
If he approves of it - then - go for it - right?  It works - I know.  I go through a serious amount of everything else - so I can only imagine... Have you had your blood levels checked lately?

no i havent -- to be honest the last time i saw the doc  was when i had the Ulcer that was 2 mths ago!  I will ask him about my blood work then---hopefully we can figure it out and hop;pe that its nothing serious!!

keep being you girl i love your posts! You know im a fan!

I WILL remain POSITIVE and  by such thought---it SHALL be!
on 6/10/08 12:57 am - TX
LOL!!  that is hilarious!  I say as long as you feel good and you are doing well physically, then go for it!    So you drink ALL of this on the way to work?  That's one helluva commute, girlfriend!  Here in West Texas, i get in my car... drive 6 minutes and arrive at work.  I don't have time for much at all.   I just have to ask...  and you don't HAVE to tell me.. but just how much $$$ is this?  Sounds like you love it!
on 6/10/08 1:02 am - MA

Sage--LOL ur so funny!! Well its pretty Expensive--lets see Redline = $3.69 2 Fuze @ $2.69 a bottle 2 Function @ 2.09 a bottle  EQUALS (((((((((((((((DRUMROLL PLEASE)))))))))))))) $8.47!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I WILL remain POSITIVE and  by such thought---it SHALL be!
on 6/10/08 1:00 am - TX
Uhm... yeah, after reading Steve's explanation, you had better think twice about it.  Steve... thanks for the info!