Question about info for support groups? Your opinions wanted!

Dx E
on 5/20/08 3:13 am - Northern, MS

Hello All!! I’m putting in a little time surfing the web today and have a question- For those of you who attend support groups, (Or those who went, and stopped going for whatever reason) A question- What sort a material would you have found useful? For example- If the Support Group Leader had a stack of Handouts, Which ones would you have taken and read? "Tips and Tricks of Successful Post-ops?" "WLS Friendly Products and where to find them?" "Simple WLS friendly Recipes and Food Ideas?" "Nutrition/Vitamin Info?" "Exercise Helpful hints for the Obese headed into rapid weight-loss?" What? Short lists? Detailed info with illustrations? Links to websites? Over all plans? or Short "Blocks of info?" No doubt those "just starting" will have different needs and wants than those Who are further out Post-Ops.  I'm interested in Both. Just gathering input…. Thanks! Best Wishes- Dx

Cheryl M.
on 5/20/08 3:23 am - Robbinston, ME
Any and all of this information would be useful, especially in a support group setting.

Remember....when life hands you Lemons, ask for tequila and salt and call me over! 


Dx E
on 5/20/08 3:41 am - Northern, MS
Thanks Cheryl! Best Wishes- Dx
on 5/20/08 3:26 am - MI
Hi Young Man! I like the tips and trick of successful GAPS. I did a walking support group for a while. While we walked we talked about things that worked and things that didn't. Sitting support groups lend themselves to become another reason to eat. Walking with water bottles at a fast clip keeps the focus. kp
"Go sell crazy somewhere else; we're all stocked up here."
Dx E
on 5/20/08 3:38 am - Northern, MS
Ah, Walkie-Talkies! Great Idea! and the kids love 'em! Thanks! Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Dave Chambers
on 5/20/08 3:29 am - Mira Loma, CA
In the support groups put on by my surgeon, he related the information to the group leader he would like his new patients and post ops to be aware of. These generally include information handout sheets given to ever person in attendance on shopping for foods, coping with problems, proper vitamin intake, etc.  We discuss these handouts, and then all of the post ops in attendance get up and relate their experiences.  This usually prompts questions from those in the pre op phase or new post ops. I share web sites I've found and tell of experiences that some may not be aware of--like telling a new doctor about WLS so that a wise decion on simple things like antibiotics can be made. I received CIPRO for a badly cut finger in the ER and had severe diarrhea for over a week. Next time, I told the ER person, and I got a different antibiotic with no resulting diarrhea issues.  These types of things are not in handouts.   Detailed plans as to exact diet is difficult to prepare, as not all patients will respond exactly to the same foods. General data on vitmains and calcium citrate intake will apply, but diet variations can occur. Some patients cannot tolerate chicken, or beef--others have no problem. Some cannot tolerate pasta or rice or bread, others do not have issues with these foods.   There are several forums on OH, including WLS Grads that may offer additioinal data.  I find that attending mutliple support groups monthly is of a great benefit to me. I learn new things, and it helps to "keep me on track".  I know I stopped going to support groups after 7 months post op, and I gained 20 pounds in the next 2 months. Went back to meetings, and continued on to a 150 pounds wt. loss. You may have to try more than one support group to find one that you find is the most beneficial to you. DAVE

Dave Chambers, 6'3" tall, 365 before RNY, 185 low, 200 currently. My profile page: product reviews, tips for your journey, hi protein snacks, hi potency delicious green tea, and personal web site.
                          Dave150OHcard_small_small.jpg 235x140card image by ragdolldude

Dx E
on 5/20/08 3:41 am - Northern, MS
Thanks Dave. I also find support groups to be very helpful for long term success. See ya 'round the Boards! Best Wishes- Dx
on 5/20/08 3:47 am
Hey Dx! Nice to see you out and about doing some of your world-class research! I think that ALL of the info you have listed would be helpful to everyone at some point in their journey.  You will never be able to please everyone at every meeting, of course. I'd have to say that short and sweet would be more effective for me.  I think it's much more effective to have a quick, easy referenec to something.  There are times when I would like more exhaustive information, but for the most part, I honestly just don't have the capabiltiy to give alot of attention to lengthy, technical writings. I think it would be great if a support group could come up with an easy reference Handbook that could be given to all new attendees.  Somewhere where they could get quick reference info on the most common food progression stages, vitamins and supplements, FAQs... and a place for their own notes, etc. I have never gotten anything like this, either from my surgeon or from my support group.  I have been given information, but not in an organized format. My particular support group is also very "relaxed," I guess you could say.  We don't seem to have set topics - more of just an "open mic night" once a month.  I'd like to speak with the coordinator on maybe changing that a bit. Do you have the handouts that you've mentioned on those topics?  If so, I'd love to see them.  ~wendy

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Dx E
on 5/20/08 3:56 am - Northern, MS
Hey wendy! No handouts yet.... Putting together some based on the input of many... One suggestion this morning on another Board was to keep them Short blocks of information- ALA- USA-Today. Illustrations and clear info, With perhaps links to, or additional material for those who are interested in that particular subject... Just gathering the "Group opinion" Before working to put together something that would be Less than useful... Thanks!  See Ya 'round the Boards! Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

on 5/20/08 6:09 am - Wrightsville Beach, NC
The good support groups I have been to: -The GNC owner came and passed out samples of protein, vitamins, etc -Nutritionist had us reading and evaluating food labels -Passed members and their success stories -recipe swap BAD Support group meetings: - Man from Gym going into wayyy to much detail about weight loss process and could barely speak english from Local Gym Good luck!
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