(deactivated member)
on 5/15/08 10:20 pm - LA
You know you're right. We tend to forget about the pain in childbirth. Nothing equals that.
on 5/15/08 10:12 pm - Humboldt, TN
It really does get better! I am sorry you are hurting. I really hope everything gets better for you soon. You might need a different pain medication. Using a pillow behind your back will help cushion the movement....also sleeping with a pillow up next againt you can help moving around in bed.  You will get to hold your babies real soon.......just tell them mommie is gonna be able to run and play this summer.....and you will not regret your decision to have WLS. Stressing out only make the pain worse....and it will slow down your weight loss........ RELAX...breathe......... it should get better soon. Sip Sip Sip walk walk walk................ ~ Leticia

Work like you don't need the money......

(deactivated member)
on 5/15/08 10:17 pm - LA
It does get better. Relax. I'm almost 3 months out and I'm doing fine. Except for a few things. When you start feeling better start an exercise program of walking......put on an Ipod and relax to the music. Believe it DOES get better. Several months from now you will have lost alot of weight and will be feeling better and looking good. Remember, drink and get your protein in. Its all in finding the protein that tastes good. I drink Fuzzy Navel.
on 5/15/08 10:23 pm
I totally understand where you are coming from, cause I have been there, and sometimes still am. After my surgery 3 month ago, I thought was this really worth it? Why did I put myself through this?  If you want some things added to the "I wish I knew" list, well, here are some, at least for me.  I didn't start to feel "better" until about 6 weeks out. One day I felt absolutely miserable and the next day, felt 10x's better and feeling just about normal. I heard it would just be like that but didn't believe it until it happened. That was how it was until I started to eating solids again. My suggestion is to please make sure you follow what your Nut/nutrionist tells you to do. Eat slowly, small bites, shred as much food as you can. The only time I still regret this surgery is when I don't follow those instructions and food gets stuck. No ones fault by my own. But most of the days, I am so grateful for having this done. I am 70lbs lighter and still amazed at how I am changing. Being very heavy, heavier then alot of people on here, I finally have found some hope for me and my future with my family. I am going to Disney in Sept. Last time I went was 5 yrs ago with my daughter. I couldn't go on some of the rides with her cause I didn't fit. It was embarrasing and very depressing. With this up coming trip, I KNOW I will fit in the plane seat, I KNOW I will fit in the rides COMFORTABLY, I know I won't be the heaviest person on the trip, I KNOW I will look ALOT better in a bathing suit, I  KNOW I will be able to walk the part and not have to ride in an automated chair. Basically, all of this to say, Yes there are some trials that you are going through and will still go through, it won't be easy  but trust me, if you keep your eye on the prize, it will all be worth it.  I really hope this helps and I wish you the best of luck. Please keep us up to date on how your doing

on 5/15/08 10:29 pm - Cherry Point, NC
Ummm You are ONLY 4 days out!!!! You had your guts rearranged, what did you expect???  Its common sense that there will be pain following any surgery!!!  Your body just went thru a lot of trauma and it will take quite a bit of time to heal and I promise you it WILL get easier!!! Hang in there, Follow your doctors rules/protocol, get much rest, walk walk walk like you are suppose to and drink your water and take your vitamins!!! Remember why you did this!!!  I was off from my pain meds a week post op and 2 weeks post op the only pain that i felt was slight soreness at the incision site. 2 1/2 months out I feel FABULOUS!!  It will take a good 2 weeks to a month till you start feeling yourself again!! Keep your chin up and hang in there!! Also, you say your kids should no****ch you go thru this, they also should no****ch you go thru the struggles of being obese and the health problems that resolve from that!!  Just take one day at a time!! Good Luck!

expecting princess Pictures, Images and Photos



on 5/15/08 10:31 pm - Florence, KY
Oh boy are you bringing back memories. I asked myself several times the first month after surgery why why did I do this. Then you start dropping in clothes sizes and the scale is moving in the right direction and you think oh yea!! this is why. hang in their honey you will be writing us soon to tell us how well you are doing. I will pray you have a speedy recovery. Donna


Monica G.
on 5/15/08 10:38 pm - North Aurora, IL

Oh honey, I promise you it will get better.  This is coming from someone who had to go through 2 surgeries because of complications within 2 1/2 weeks of each other.  First surgery was done Lap, second was open.  I am only 5 1/2 weeks out from the open and am finally starting to feel pretty good.  Yesterday I had a stoma lanced on my incision, so now I have to deal with that.  I also have a lump in my breast that they found and have to have a biopsy next week to see if it's cancer or not. 

Please know that while you are still VERY early out, things will get better.  I was the same way in the beginning and thought I would never feel better.  I cried all the time and it was hard!  hang in there and if you want to talk, PM me!



on 5/15/08 10:39 pm - other, NY
You only had surgery a few days ago.  Of course you will  be in pain you just had major stomach surgery.  If your pain is not being controlled by your meds call your Dr.  don't wait.  You sound like you are regreting the choice you made.  Give it time, it took about 3 months before I was back to 100 percent.
on 5/15/08 11:06 pm
I needed to reply to you because I felt this way also.  I had my RNY last year June 25th.  Although, I do not think it was the pain that really bothered me.  First off, you need to call you Surgon and tell him that you are in a lot of pain.  Maybe he could give you new pain meds.  You mentioned that it hurts when you breath in.  This could be normal but could also mean that there may be a blood clot.  Better safe, call your surgon and tell him.  You do not want to mess around with that.  But, I have to tell you, YOU DID NOT MAKE A BAD CHOICE!!!!!!!   I am soooooo.... happy now.  The first 3 months are the hardest.  It SUCKS when family and friends are eating food around you.  You want it.  The smells of dinner cooking killed me.  When you are on the liquid and smashed food stages, that is the hardest.  Your head still wants you to eat.   This is the hardest.  But hold on, this passes and you will get through it.  The reward in the end it THE BEST!!!!   I was almost 400 Lbs and not even a year later I am 229.  I have lost over 160Lbs!!!  It is the most amazing thing.  I am so happy.  I can live my life and I also have two kids.  They were 2 and 5 when I had this surgery.  It was hard but just keep thinging that you and your kids are paying a very small price right now.   Soon you will be able to hold tham again and not only hold them but, they will have a new mom soon.  In a few months from now you are gona feel so different.  You are not feeling well right now and can not see the light at the end of the tunnel yet.  THERE IS A LIGHT!!!!!!  AND IT IS HUGE!  I went through a lot in the first three months and I was so mad at myself for having this surgery.  But that was than and now, I say it saved my life.  The things I can do now!!!  OMG!  I could write a book.    Please , please hang in there!!!    The people here are great and if you ever need to ask questions this is a great place to do so.  They helped me out a lot in the begining.  If you ever want to talk email me and I will help you as much as I can.  You just need to get through this rough patch and believe me, you are gona be a very happy women soon.  You will be able to eat again.  I eat a lot of thing I use to love to eat.  Just in smaller amounts.  I changed things in my diet and added a lot of more healthier things and found a lot of new things that I love now and can feel good about eating.  I just never will try anything with sugar in it.  I know that was my problem before and I do not want it back in my life.  There are so many SF things out there thatyou do not even need it anyway. Again, please hang in there.  It has only been days and it is the toughest part you are going through but think of why you fighted to get this surgery.  The goal!!!   Keep that in your mind at all times and fight and fight and fight, you will win with this surgery, that is the beauty about it.  You will not fail this time!!!!!!!!!!  That is the best feeling!!!!  Write me if you need to talk, please!!!  I will help as much as I can.   God Bless, you are in my prayers, Linda
on 5/15/08 10:58 pm - Aberdeen, NJ
Jolene, ((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))) You will feel better! I promise!!!!!!! We all felt this way the first few days.. Before you know it you are going to feel like a NEW woman!!!!!!! I am sending prayers up just for YOU!!!! Lois
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