on 5/15/08 6:11 pm - NY
do you normally suffer from depression because they may need to adjust your meds. People don't warn you about the bad things because it may not have happened for them that way, each persons journey is different. I never had the pain your are complaining of, i had gas pains but i walked those things out of me and with some help from Gas-X it wasn't so bad.   Why must you sit with people as they eat? Your kids are going to watch you become stronger each day, should they have to watch that....they take the good with the bad. When they go down for a nap you need to do the same thing. You just had major surgery maybe your expectations were a little off because this is perfectly normal. ANDI
Dream it Live it
When Pigs Fly
on 5/15/08 7:34 pm
I wish I could be in the place you're in. Looks like I won't be able to have the surgery.  Hang in there, you'll feel better. Katy
Toxic Vapors

on 5/15/08 8:14 pm - New Castle, PA
take a look at my profile I too felt like I entered hell at first and at times i questioned the surgery but I thanked my PCP yesterday for tossing me the life jacket so to speak no one thinks to thank the doctor that seen you through your ups and downs struggling year after year with diets that we failed at if it wasn't for our PCP doctors that fill in the 6 pages of dieting and also saying yes i think this is the best move for her or him at this time in life .. He or she is the one that really is saving us even though we make the finally decision to have it done it does come down to them saying yes not the Bypass doctor yes he  gets a hand in the credit too but in time im almost a year out had a few hurdles to get over and didnt make doctors goal yet that is but I wont give up remember we let someone reroute our insides hugs and hope you feel better soon ...

Life is not the breath's you take. It's the moments that takes your breath away.

on 5/15/08 8:16 pm - Brunswick, NY
I had my surgery 4/21.   I was extremely fortunate in that my pain wasn't that bad but I have had previous surgeries where I did experience the bad pain and the gas which I think was worse.  I felt just like  you from the moment I woke up until several days later, this feeling was constant.  I was having panic attacks thinking that my choice was going to cause so much trouble and grief for myself and my family.  I couldn't believe I had worked so hard to get this done to myself.  I felt like an idiot.  The feelings and the little pain I had gradually went away over the course of a week. By the second week I was fine with the exception of feeling tired.  When I felt deprived because I wanted to eat like other people I took the time to read posts of people that are further out and realize that it's only temporary.  There are a lot of my favorite foods I'll be able to eat and others that I will choose not to eat but I can find very appealing substitutes for.  I know its hard for the babies but it is only a few more days until you will feel good snuggling them again and they will soon forget the mommy that was crying. As for the drainage test I'm surprised you have not had it yet.  I had mine the very next morning. It wasn't that bad.  It was only a small amount given to me in a medicine cup. I think it was maybe 1/2 an ounce.  Not the best tasting stuff but I've had cough medicine taste worse.  Don't let yourself fret over that it is definitely one of the easier hurdles.  You're going through the hardest part.  My counselor told me to just accept how you're feeling, the feelings are not wrong and roll with it.  It does get better!!!  I'm still not one of the people that will tell you I love my RNY but I don't hate it.  My pouch and I are getting to know each other. I'm sure in the future when I'm more comfortable with it I will be more positive.  Please  do what you can to walk and post as much as you need to.  It helps to be able to express your fears and concerns and to have people that can relate and empathize. Dominique

                                 HW/SW/CW/GW    270/239/139/150

Dave Chambers
on 5/15/08 9:14 pm - Mira Loma, CA
No mentione ow what surgery you had on your profile, but I'll assume RNY. If it was an OPEN RNY then you'll have a lot more pain than the LAP RNY, due to the large incision done for surgery.  Gas pain may be with you for a few days post op. I had the LAP with the only discomform being the gas pain. Walking will help with that. Depression is not uncommon during the first few weeks post op. You have altered your body, and it's in shock. AND, you're missing your old best friend--FOOD.  Get up and walk around.  If the weather is OK, walk outside, up the block a few houses and back. Do that a couple of times a day, then extend the distance slowly. This is how I started exercise after surgery. It helps with the gas--it helps to clear your mind.  Walking is the only exercise I do routinely and I'm 2 years post op now with a total wt loss of 150 pounds. It takes time, and you've just had major surgery. This RNY was the first major surgery I had, and I had it at age 59. You're far younger than I was at the time of surgery, so you should heal and "bounce back" quickly.  When you feel like driving, please attend a local support group on a regular basis. They sooo helped me to follow the protocol needed for good wt loss after surgery. You'll meet new friends and learn many new things that will help you in the transition to the "new you". DAVE

Dave Chambers, 6'3" tall, 365 before RNY, 185 low, 200 currently. My profile page: product reviews, tips for your journey, hi protein snacks, hi potency delicious green tea, and personal web site.
                          Dave150OHcard_small_small.jpg 235x140card image by ragdolldude

Island Girl
on 5/15/08 9:38 pm - VI
Obviously a little post surgical depression mixed in with a touch of DQ. If you can withstand the pain of child birth and those tattoos you should be able to do this. If you never expected it to "hurt this bad" and assuming you read EVERYTHING you could, have you contacted your Dr to tell him how much pain you are in. If it really is extrordinary pain you should let him/ her know. Don'****ch other people eat. Or use their meal times to have a nice warm cup of broth or what ever your nutritionists/ surgeons plan is. This can be as hard or as easy as you make up your mind for it to be.
I got my toes in the water, ass in the sand ,
        Not a worry in the world, a cold beer in my hand
               Life is good today. Life is good today.
on 5/15/08 9:47 pm - BFE, MI
judgemental much?

Proud Navy Mom


Island Girl
on 5/15/08 11:15 pm - VI
On May 16, 2008 at 4:47 AM Pacific Time, little_bank_robber wrote:
judgemental much?
Nope... just a little reality and perspective.
I got my toes in the water, ass in the sand ,
        Not a worry in the world, a cold beer in my hand
               Life is good today. Life is good today.
on 5/15/08 11:30 pm - In my Studio
That post didn't come across as judgemental to me, just straight forward. Seemed fine to me.
Cynthia L.
on 5/16/08 12:02 am - Clarence, NY

I agree. And I disagree with the OP, people at least on OH talk about this all the time.  She is fresh out of surgery and she didn't anticipate feeling like she's been run over by a truck?  Interesting.

-Straight Shooter Cynthia 

chrissie_hynde_kitty_std-2-1.jpg picture by Queen-of-the-castleBad boys get spanked. - Chrissie Hynde Lifeposter-1.jpg picture by Queen-of-the-castle

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