Anyone have constant runny nose?

Holly Golightly
on 5/8/08 12:58 pm

I do have a runny nose when I'm losing weight and in active ketosis.  I'm doing all protein shakes this week and burning fat--and my body seem to be purging itself of EVERYthing cause I'm amazed at how much I'm going to the bathroom and how much my nose is running.  It was watery right after surgery too when I first started losing a big chunk of weight. Alternately, when I am eating solid foods and get full I sneeze! Holly

on 5/8/08 1:57 pm - Buckley, WA
Sounds like a common theme amongst us . I , too have a runny nose . I've always had allergies , but never had a drippy nose . I'm 1 1/2 years out & it's as bad as ever . When I get full I get weird hiccups . lol .


Terri D.
on 5/9/08 12:31 am - CA

Thanks everyone for your input. Glad to know I'm not alone. My nose doesn't run it just gets full of clear snot and I have to blow it about 5 times each time to get it all out. I do have allergies but not sure if this is part of the problem. And regarding hicups..I too get hiccups sometimes after eating. Wierd how our bodies react after this surgery. Not happy to hear I may have this snot nose problem forever...but at least I will be thin with a snotty nose!!!! Good luck everyone!

Terri Decker
on 5/9/08 1:00 am - Beaumont, CA

I haven't really been able to tell if mine is from the surgery or my usual allergies.  But I do have those crazy hiccups.  I hate them.  Sometimes they are alittle painful.  It is strange how the surgery would have an effect on so many different parts of our bodies.  I mean our nose!  Come on.  How weird, huh? 

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