Anyone have constant runny nose?

Terri D.
on 5/8/08 8:22 am - CA
I thought perhaps I was still getting over my cold but I have never had so much snot to blow in my life. Can't figure out where it is all coming from. I did have a  bad cold last week but that came and went.  I have read past blogs about noses running all the time. Anyone have an answer?
Terri Decker
Nic M
on 5/8/08 8:29 am
I don't know if this will be the answer, but after I had a very botched lapbanding surgery, I found out my diaphragm had gotten damaged. My nose was constantly running. I have also heard other people say that they get runny noses when they eat too much and, I believe it's the phrenic or vagus nerves (?), get innervated and cause the nose to run. You might want to talk to your doc about it soon. Rule out allergies or some sort of viral thing. Did you have this problem before you got the cold? If not, I would think it might just be the remnants of getting over your illness, possibly. Hope you feel better very soon. Nicci
mom of many
on 5/8/08 8:52 am - Moving to Alabama
I keep a runny nose. Not snotty, just constsantly running. I've had that for about 2 1/2 of the 3yrs of being postop.

Open RNY~March 10, 2005 ~
237/121 (116lbs GONE) 
TT April 4, 2006                          
It's a small world after all.....

Tammy V.
on 5/8/08 8:56 am


(deactivated member)
on 12/3/13 2:12 pm

I have had this slight runny nose problem which started about 3 months ago. I have never had this problem before. Maybe chemtrails I don't know but what the hell. I have always had perfect health. All my physicals are perfect with no problems after 53 years of living. This is a weird situation. I served 23 yrs in the United States Air Force. Been in a lot of countries in the world never had a problem. Now That I am retired this nose problem started. I did 6 anthrax shots back about 12 yrs ago wonder if this might be an issue. Who knows? Were you ever in the military?

Dx E
on 5/8/08 9:04 am - Northern, MS
From Quixotic WLS- Pretty common actually. Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Nic M
on 5/8/08 9:09 am
We are all just a buncha snot nosed kids!  It IS irritating, though, isn't it? I feel like I should be one of those old ladies that has a Kleenex stuffed into her watchband at all times! Nicci
on 5/8/08 11:20 am - Plymouth, MI
It ran when I had enough to eat and when I was done on the toilet (go figure) for the first year.  Also most of the time in between.   After the first year, almost to the day it lessened up, but it still drips some every day.  Allergy time is worse, the eating sniffle happens after about four bites so I don't find it a good guide anymore.   Vagus nerve is the culprit, I'm told.
on 5/8/08 11:22 am
My nose is always runny and as cold as a dog's nose since I had surgery .... it is not snotty it is crazily and annoyingly runny ...

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autumnsiggy2RNY 2/5/07 no regain having implemented lifestyle changes....


on 5/8/08 11:30 am - Oskaloosa, IA
My nose has run since the day I had surgery!!  I was never a person who carried tissues with them but now I have provided a box for every school I go into so I will not be caught without one.  This was certainly an unexpected side effect but one I can easily live with. Chris
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