
(deactivated member)
on 5/8/08 3:45 am
Sorry about that call Mike..that was ugly but you know something it sounds so the call i had with my MOM when i said i may get surgery. I had surgery in Dec. and still have not told her, lord knows what she would say now!!!
Trauma Queen
on 5/8/08 4:18 am - Jacksonville, FL
I don't mean to be rude but is she mentally deficient in some manner?   She sounds a bit "off"  Perhaps she did not take her medication today Mike, you never know what the situation is. A off day for her...who knows. Is she usually like this? if so, maybe a new friend is in order...
brachioplasty 7/11/07
Breast reduction/lift and axilla repair 9/5/07
Mons reduction and L arm brachioplasty repair 01/02/08
Tummy tuck with Anchor cut  3/12/08
Lower body lift TBA
on 5/8/08 4:19 am - Hopkins, MN
Holy s*it, that's rude!  Don't let it get you down, like someone said earlier, her outsides may be beautiful, but inside not so much.  !!!!  Lori

Lori at Goal  

RNY October 2004

(deactivated member)
on 5/8/08 4:43 am - River Falls, WI
The question I always have:   Ann (5/8/2008 13:38:14)  Mary Catherine, from what factual, reliable, educated source did you gain your incredible insight and knowledge about weight loss surgery, its side effects, and my personal journey? Mary Catherine (5/8/2008 13:38:21) An well, I read about it in the Enquirer, and in People, and Oprah has had a couple of segments on it--and you know, Oprah knows everything about everything, and then there's Dr. Phil, and oh yeah,  the sister of my cousin's husband's first wife had that surgery and she had all these problems and well, now she weighs more than ever...or maybe it was the sister of my husband's cousin's second wife. Well, anyway, everybody knows its dangerous and the lazy way out. Ann (5/8/2008 13:40:04).  Mary Catherine,  your ignorance is showing, big time. And I'm doing fine and I'm thrilled for this opportunity.  Thanks for wishing me well and caring about me.  Bye.
on 5/8/08 5:55 am
Aww, that really sucks.  It sounds like she's misinformed and scared.  She did say that her uncle died, and maybe that is where her fear is coming from.  I certainly hope that she can find it in her to support you. Good luck.
on 5/8/08 6:53 am, edited 5/8/08 7:33 am - Jacksonville, FL
RNY on 12/20/05 with

Mike, I am sorry to hear that your "friend" has her head up her behind with her view point.

Now, I am going to suggest that if you haven't done so already that you go make a visit to the Men's Forum for some "man to man" perspective on Post-Op life.  

The guys there will be of great support.

GOOD LUCK and Welcome to the Losers' Bench!! 


(edited for spelling error) 

Dx E
on 5/8/08 8:00 am, edited 7/16/08 10:38 am - Northern, MS


Information in the Post
Has been Moved to-

Best Wishes-







 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Chuck N.
on 5/8/08 9:57 am - Salt Lake City, UT
Hey Mike - come over to the Men's Forum and chat with the guys there. We're a goofy bunch, and full of it!!!!!!!!! Information and support, that is

So sorry you've had such a crappy experience so early out - but there are plenty of people here to support you.

Hope to see you on the men's board soon.
Elizabeth N.
on 5/8/08 11:07 am - Burlington County, NJ
Oy :-( . That stinks. So, is she blocked from your IM yet?
on 5/8/08 10:09 pm - BFE, MI
What a ***** This is a 'friend' of yours?  Hopefully not for long.

Proud Navy Mom


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