
on 5/7/08 10:11 pm - Victoria, TX

I just had the following conversation with someone that is supposed to be one of my oldest and dearest friends..

Michael Matchett (5/8/2008 6:21:17 AM): Good morning Catherine
Mary Catherine (5/8/2008 6:39:28 AM): GOOD MORNING
Michael Matchett (5/8/2008 6:39:41 AM): Morning pretty lady..
Mary Catherine (5/8/2008 6:39:56 AM): how you doing there mike
Michael Matchett (5/8/2008 6:40:59 AM): VERY sore...but happy
Michael Matchett (5/8/2008 6:41:56 AM): I had my Gastric Bypass Surgery on Monday
Mary Catherine (5/8/2008 6:45:39 AM): hello
Michael Matchett (5/8/2008 6:45:55 AM): Hi!
Mary Catherine (5/8/2008 6:46:03 AM): stupid wireless
Mary Catherine (5/8/2008 6:46:12 AM): so how are
Michael Matchett (5/8/2008 6:46:15 AM): LOL
Michael Matchett (5/8/2008 6:46:27 AM): I am a little sore...but happy
Mary Catherine (5/8/2008 6:46:33 AM): k
Mary Catherine (5/8/2008 6:46:48 AM): what happened
Michael Matchett (5/8/2008 6:47:03 AM): I had Gastric Bypass Surgery on Monday
Mary Catherine (5/8/2008 6:47:13 AM): why
Michael Matchett (5/8/2008 6:47:28 AM): Cause I am fat!!! LOL
Mary Catherine (5/8/2008 6:47:49 AM): why don't you exercise
Mary Catherine (5/8/2008 6:48:08 AM): how many years does that take off your life
Michael Matchett (5/8/2008 6:48:20 AM): It adds years
Mary Catherine (5/8/2008 6:48:28 AM): no
Mary Catherine (5/8/2008 6:48:49 AM): the info should have been given to you
Mary Catherine (5/8/2008 6:49:45 AM): people assume that the surgery adds because you lose weight quickly
Mary Catherine (5/8/2008 6:50:07 AM): your depriving your body of the nutrients that it needs
Mary Catherine (5/8/2008 6:50:28 AM): do ou have to do the shots weekly?
Michael Matchett (5/8/2008 6:50:43 AM): The surgery "cures" high blood pressure, sleep apnea, congestive heart failure, diabetes..
Mary Catherine (5/8/2008 6:50:50 AM): ha
Michael Matchett (5/8/2008 6:51:23 AM): I take a multi-vitamin right 3 months they are going to test me to see if I need B12 shots or iron supplements
Mary Catherine (5/8/2008 6:51:25 AM): your starving yourself gee ... why couldn't you do the cheaper route and go anorexic
Mary Catherine (5/8/2008 6:51:44 AM): cuz same thing
Michael Matchett (5/8/2008 6:51:47 AM): Only cost me $100
Mary Catherine (5/8/2008 6:52:13 AM): it's the "in" thing in victoria now...
Mary Catherine (5/8/2008 6:52:22 AM): those damn surgeons down there
Mary Catherine (5/8/2008 6:53:12 AM): i hate the doctors in victoria
Michael Matchett (5/8/2008 6:53:18 AM): I had my surgery in Houston...
Mary Catherine (5/8/2008 6:53:21 AM): sorry to be so blunt but my uncle died
Mary Catherine (5/8/2008 6:53:39 AM): they recommended the surgery stating same thing
Michael Matchett (5/8/2008 6:53:41 AM): I have heard bad things about the surgeons here
Mary Catherine (5/8/2008 6:53:52 AM): it doesn't cure anything.
Mary Catherine (5/8/2008 6:54:15 AM): it's just going anorexic and you need to exercise
Mary Catherine (5/8/2008 6:54:27 AM): that is what will cure all those things
Michael Matchett (5/8/2008 6:54:50 AM): I plan to...but once you hit a cerain BMI (40 or more) diet and excercise just doesn't work
Mary Catherine (5/8/2008 6:55:00 AM): wrong
Mary Catherine (5/8/2008 6:55:09 AM): did you ever exercise?
Michael Matchett (5/8/2008 6:55:13 AM): Thats your opinion Catherine..
Mary Catherine (5/8/2008 6:55:22 AM): it's the truth mike
Michael Matchett (5/8/2008 6:55:23 AM): Not really...
Mary Catherine (5/8/2008 6:55:25 AM): laziness
Mary Catherine (5/8/2008 6:55:28 AM): sorry
Michael Matchett (5/8/2008 6:55:45 AM): I agree...laziness got me to the point that I needed the surgery
Mary Catherine (5/8/2008 6:56:17 AM): laziness is not something you can cure by getting a surgery
Mary Catherine (5/8/2008 6:56:31 AM): you take care of yourself mike.
Michael Matchett (5/8/2008 6:56:40 AM): you too Catherine..
Mary Catherine (5/8/2008 6:57:03 AM): always

Michael Matchett
g1rl 0n f1re
on 5/7/08 10:15 pm - City of Angels, CA
shoulda ended like this: Michael Matchett: Hey, let me buy you a donut (or five) and Starbucks... xxxbecca
" Let us drink a Gods and Monsters"
                                    -Dr. Pretorious; Bride of Frankenstein

(deactivated member)
on 5/7/08 10:28 pm - LA
You're funny!! J
Andrea U.
on 5/7/08 10:16 pm - Wilson, NC
Unfortunately, she won't be the last, either. *YOU* know the truth.  *YOU* did what you had to do for your health.  That's all that matters.
Susan S.
on 5/7/08 10:17 pm - Roselle, NJ
You will find there are many people who are not supportive - and don't understand the commitment that this surgery requires. I have found that this is a journey you take largely alone - hopefully with support from people you care about who care about you - but to be successful - you have to find it within yourself to take it on and make the changes. I found it within me and I suspect it is within you. Don't let people's uninformed opinions - living outside of your body and your life 'devastate' you. Take the information in - and accept that people give and don't give what they've done something wonderful to change your life - and you will be fine. The early days postop are emotional filled ones at every level........but you will find with time - things balance out - people settle down - and you find the support from sources you never knew you had. If you read my profile - you will see I've had a really bad year - with every aspect of my life but my own health and my own body. We're stronger than we think we are. You will be fine. Congrats on being a postop! Susan
Obesity Help Support Group Leader - The Woman Warrior
286/170/131 (starting/goal/current)
LBL - 10-30-08, brachioplasty/augmentation 2-26-09, medial thigh lift 3-16-09
Plastics - Dr. Joseph Fodero


286/170/140/131 (starting weight/goal/surgeons goal/current)

LBL 10-30-08 - Joseph Fodero
Brachioplasty/Breast Augmentation - 2=24-09


Amanda S.
on 5/7/08 10:19 pm - shelley, ID
OMG! Next time she calls you lazy or tells you to exercise, tell her maybe she needs some education to cure her ignorance! I'm appalled!  I'm so very sorry you had to hear these things. Even though I'm sure you know she was speaking from her butt, it still hurts.


Nancy E.
on 5/7/08 10:20 pm - Charlottesville, VA
Michael,  Don't worry about that uneducated, ignorant person!  You have plenty of friends here that are behind you 100%.  Want a new best friend?


on 5/7/08 10:24 pm - Manhattan Beach, CA
I am sorry that ended that way. She will talk to people and they will straighten her up. Its not your job to education those that dont want to be educated. She will say something stuipd to someone that had the surgery or who has a family member that did and they we tell her how it really is.

I am curious is she heavy or chunky ?
    Life should not be measured by the numbers of breathe we take but by                      the moments that take our breathe away....      
                                   PROUD WIFE OF AN US AIRMAN
on 5/7/08 10:27 pm - Victoria, TX
She is one of the beautiful people.  A real-estate agent that uses her looks more than her brains to be successful...
Michael Matchett
on 5/7/08 10:56 pm - Delmont, PA
She may be beautiful on the outside.. But we just had a glimpse of how damn ugly she is on the inside.. Diane Smileycons!
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