Hello from an Old Timer

on 5/1/08 11:23 am - Smallville, OH
It's been a long, long time since I've been around these parts.  I think of OH and the freindships I made here often, but somehow life got in the way and I just don't find the time to post anymore.  I've been scolded repeatedly for letting my journal grow cobwebs and someday I do hope to dig in and give it an update. As always life will throw a few curve balls here and there but for the most part I'm healthy and happy.  I've waged war on the 15 pounds I've gained since surgery, and I can't really even complain about that.  I've gained 15 pounds in 3 and 1/2 years.  Of course that's nothing to be happy about, but back in the old days I could easily gain 15 pounds over the coarse of a good weekend.  LOL.  Never in 40 years of dieting have I lost over 145 pounds and kept if off for more than a few months at a time.  And I guess that's my round about way of saying that I'm still grateful every day for my surgery and the good heath it's brought me. To anyone who might remember me.....hello old friends! And to those of you who haven't a clue I also say hello and best wishes for a healthy, happy life.

Kristie T.
on 5/1/08 11:32 am - Hamilton, AL
Congrats on keeping the weight off and good to hear from you, update ur profile when you get a chance I'd like to learn more about your success....


Dawn Sobers
on 5/1/08 11:45 am - Muskegon, MI

Hey Stranger

Isn't it fun though now that life does happen? Glad to see you stopping in for a long over due visit.


consult 392/ 360 day of surgery/ goal 150/ currently130

Ask me about my web store you know you want to.....
fatme.jpg12/25/2004 2007_0724newme0002.jpg7/23/07

Dx E
on 5/1/08 2:37 pm - Northern, MS

I remember!!!!! Hey there Miss Delightful!! 15 pounds?  No Biggie, We’ve both seen folks with much bigger re-gains Drop back down again. What matters is Life is Moving on With outrageously exceptional improvements To Health, and happiness. So glad to see you still doing well. I’m rarely here and fortunate to drop by and see your post! I just got back from the West Coast tonight. Oregon... I’m doing Great! Healthy and Happy and dealing with life as it comes. as always---  Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

on 5/1/08 6:41 pm - Sydney, Australia
WOW hello miss LA!! I am so happy to see you. Believe it or not, I still come here everyday, so its wonderful to see your beautiful face.  Im waging war on 10lbs too that just wont go away. grrrrrrrr hugs, Helen
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