***is this a sign that Gastric bypass is not for me?????***

MyLady Heidi
on 4/23/08 9:33 pm
Don't be surprised if your surgeons office hears what you had to say and your surgery gets cancelled and then you will be fighting to get back whatever you paid.  Don't say I didn't warn you.  I could care less about your surgeon, just trying to let you know what can and has happened to people who post such things.
(deactivated member)
on 4/23/08 3:28 pm
I am so very sorry for what you are going through this is rotten situation I really feel for you. Feeling safe with your Dr. is so important...do you know anyone who has had surgery done by the Dr? Is it possiable that he has a rotten bedside manner but is a wonderful Dr? If you don't know anything about his past and you don't feel safe with him I think you should re schedule until you can find out about his history and if you can't maybe you need to wait and save up until you can see another Dr.  Good luck in what ever you choose I wish you luck
Michele W.
on 4/23/08 3:33 pm - Morenci, AZ
I'm with you girl , Due to my age & BMI my surgeon told me today that he is not certified to do WLS on me until August even though I was scheduled for April 28th . I began the WLS process in November.He is a young DR & needs to complete 50 surgeries before he will be allowed to do mine in the Center Of Excellence Hospital where he works his magic . I was so dissapointed  that I cried all the way home (3 Hours )  I am thinking about visiting another DR . because I'm not sure if I should put my life in a new DR's hands . I hope he does well in his practice but I am just not sure ????? I wasn't aware of this when I began my journey  in November. I only hope that my testing doesn't expire LOL DH & I have decided to explore other options with other surgeons. I am so ready to start my journey toward good health sooner than later , Best Wishes to you , I hope it all works out . keep us posted ,Michele
'Life isn't like a bowl
of cherries , it's more like a jar of Jalapenos--what you do today, might  come back to burn you tomorrow......'
on 4/23/08 3:35 pm - Huntersville, NC
I had two things come up that postponed my surgery.. and I thought it was sign too. I was so sure that I was going to die if I got on the table. But I think the wait helped calm me down.. and my right time was then. I can understand your frustrations.. if you don' t feel he's a good doctor.. switch. This is your life and your health.

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on 4/23/08 3:45 pm - San Dimas, CA
Bottomline, if you were treated like this anywhere else would you still spend your money there ? HELL NO. I owuld look for a new Dr. Don't know if you have invested any cash into this office BUT if so I owuld also ask for a refund because you have to find a new Dr, when they say no call your credit card company and dispute the charges, you may not get them back but at least you'll get satisfaction knowing his office is going to have to deal with this situation for a few months before they get the money. Maybe just for ****z and giggles you can send him a bill for the cancelled surgeries like I am sure he would do to you if you cancelled an appt. If the Dr and his office is reading this   YOU SUCK  YOU"RE NOT GOD NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU THINK YOU ARE. HAve some respect for people and their time.
Dx E
on 4/23/08 4:21 pm - Northern, MS

Not a bad sign for WLS, But, this surgeon? Drop him and move on! Bariatric Surgery is a long-term commitment between Patient and Doctor. If you have doubts about this guy, Don’t allow him “elbow deep” into your guts! Look elsewhere and thank your lucky stars That you “dodged a bullet.” So Sorry you have had this to deal with. Many have and have changed to a far better situation. Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

on 4/23/08 7:26 pm - Snohomish, WA
I would be very upset over two reschedules as well.  See if you can find a capable surgeon willing to do your surgery sooner.  The results from any testing you've had would be available to a new surgeon and your entitled to a refund if you have already made a deposit with this surgeon.  You really don't want to have surgery with a doctor you don't like or respect....don't forget the years of follow-up you are looking at.

(deactivated member)
on 4/23/08 9:53 pm - LA
I think I would change physicians. Get your money back and records and inquire about going to another physician. Maybe it's the best thing. I know my surgeons office called me 2 days later after speaking to them. I saw the doc on the doc 3rd day and the pre-op diet the next. Had surgery 2 weeks after that. I had no wait. I was also a self-pay and they always have surgery faster. Frankly, I don't understand why all the cancellations?? Good luck. J
on 4/24/08 1:24 am - IL
GET AWAY FROM THAT DOCTOR. He sounds overextended, or he has an incompetent staff. You want a doctor who's going to have time for you, not someone who shuffles you like a card in a deck. Get a new surgeon ASAP.


on 4/24/08 1:50 am - AR
I think it's a sign you need to switch surgeons.  You are OBVIOUSLY not a priority to him or you wouldn't have been bumped TWICE. 
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