***is this a sign that Gastric bypass is not for me?????***

on 4/23/08 1:12 pm - Murray, KY
So, I today my doctor office calls and says they have to change my surgery date for the 2ND time.  The first time they channcel my surgery 2 day befor my first surgery date, which was March 12th, 2008.  They moved the date to May 14th, 2008.  Now they call me today saying that the doctor is going to be out of town on May 14th and we need to reschedual.  I am so pissed.  I feel like this is a sign that I am not sapposed to have this surgery.  My surgeron is an appsolute ass hole.  But I have put so much money in to his program that i am not going to leave now.  I am a college student trying to do this and pay my out of pocket expenses on my own.  I really just need some support right now, I liable to rip my sergueons head off the next time i talk to him.  Seriously, if there is anyone in KY do NOT, I repeat DO NOT go to Alex Argotte. 
on 4/23/08 1:17 pm - Apple Valley, MN
BREATH!!!!!! Yes, this is annoying and I can totally see why you'd be ticked....BUT... remember...good things come to those who wait, right??  As long as it is delayed and not completely canceled, try not to sweat it.  (Happy thoughts coming your way courtesy of an eternal optomist  :P  )
Cassandra V           
"Life is what happens while your busy making other plans"  -Beautiful Boy-Lennon
on 4/23/08 1:21 pm - NJ
You know what.... call the office in the morning and ask if they have a list if there's a cancellation in his surgery schedule. I got my surgery 3 weeks earlier than my date because someone else cancelled thier surgery. Don't give up now! You're almost there =o) -Janine

My boys are 3 reasons why WLS was right for me! I love my post op miracles =o) 

on 4/23/08 1:26 pm - Humboldt, TN
Girl, Just switch your stuff to Tennessee...we have lots of WONDERFUL qualified surgeons that will gladly, professionally take good care of you. I had to switch surgeons during my journey ... it must have not been meant to be with this first one...because once I switched EVERYTHING I mean EVERYTHING fell into place. I wish you lots of luck! Leticia

Work like you don't need the money......

(deactivated member)
on 4/23/08 1:37 pm - Sevierville, TN

I havent had surgery yet but I'm telling you, if I had any doubts about my surgeon, I would find someone else. I wouldnt put my life in the hands of someone I didn't like or trust.

Just my thoughts.


Sandy Coils *.
on 4/23/08 10:17 pm - GA
Karen, you are sooooo right!  This is serious, if I didn't absolutely love & trust my surgeon, he would be history.  Look into finding a different surgeon - things are delayed anyway, right?  Just do a little research and see what you can find out.
"I'd rather be hated for what I am than loved for what I'm not." 

(deactivated member)
on 4/24/08 12:47 am - Sevierville, TN
I know this sounds morbid, but when I came to this website and signed on, I wanted a real picture of just what the risks are. So, I read all of the Memorial page. It was disturbing to see how many people passed away from complications. I haven't changed my mind about having the surgery, but I'm determined to take every precaution along the way and go into it with open eyes. I'm getting a referral today for a surgeon who I heard about from friends I met here. They had their surgeries over a year ago and I've been watching to see how they do. I don't want to do anything in haste. This is a life-changing decision and I intend to investigate every aspect thoroughly. Blessings, Karen
(deactivated member)
on 4/23/08 2:05 pm - Santa Cruz, CA

This is definitely a sign:  things change and you have to be flexible and open to change.

If you don't feel comfortable with this doctor, that's one thing.  Don't do business with him. 

But if you truly don't feel you have an alternative to this doctor, take a deep breath and put on your big girl panties and just do what you have to do.  Either find another doctor, or tell this one that you don't appreciate his lackadaisical attitude towards his patients, and then let him do the surgery.

Speaking for myself, I'd like to know my doctor was rested and happy!

Your journey will require many changes.  This may just be one of them.

Good luck!










MyLady Heidi
on 4/23/08 2:09 pm
I would ask that OH pull this post before you find yourself with your surgery cancelled permanantly, don't think doctors and their office staff don't read this site and especially since you really have no reason to say anything negative about your doctor other then a date change.  You really are taking a big libel risk with this post.  Have it pulled right away. Good Luck Hugs Heidi
on 4/23/08 2:18 pm - Murray, KY
I have already spoke to my surgeons office reguarding the situation at hand.  He can read this if he likes, Calling some one an ass hole is a matter or opion not libel.  I am sorry that if you had a bad experence with a segueon you would not warn patential patients befor they go to that sergueon.  May you should pull your post, because like I said I am looking for support and you are deffanitly not doing that.  I was not aware i was not aloud to vent on a message board. 
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