2 days out

Robert S.
on 3/16/08 3:50 pm - Modesto, CA
2 days out from rny surgery and everything went good
Angie Conley
on 3/16/08 3:56 pm - Middletown , OH
Congrats and a speedy recover. Just a few things to remember....sip,sip,sip...chew, chew, chew...walk, walk,walk...and don't rush your stages. Do what your doc and nut tell you. Keep us updated.
Dx E
on 3/16/08 4:02 pm - Northern, MS
Congratulations Rob. Good to hear you made it home. Hang in there. The first couple of weeks suk for just about everyone! Rest, very short walks often, keep sipping tha****er, and know that it gets easier each week.

I just wanted to drop by an Invitation. It’s great to see other men out here. We make up such a small percentage (12%) Of the people having Weight Loss Surgery, But tend to reach our goal weights quicker and with less Or at least Different hassles than the Gals Due to Male physiology. Drop by the Men’s Message Board And check out what other men like you are going through. It’s a diverse make up of Dads, Singles, Older, younger, etc… Pre-Ops, Post-Ops new and some Old (at Goal) Post-Ops. Lap-Banders, RNY’ers DS, etc… Great bunch of guys with the mutual understanding That WLS for Men can be a totally different Journey. Stop by to add your questions, advice, opinions, and info at- http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/men/

It’s Great to know we’re not so alone, And that there are others pulling for you. Hope to see you ‘Round the Boards! Best Wishes- Dx


 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

on 3/16/08 4:08 pm - Okeechobee, FL
Best wishes on a speedy recovery. Laurie

Highest373/Surgery335/Goal 175 

on 3/16/08 4:38 pm - boise, ID
Congrats to the loosing bench. Best recovery for you and remember each week is better. This place is great to post questions as new things happen to you and your body. I learned that fast. I am two weeks out. YEAH for you.
on 3/16/08 5:50 pm - Elk Grove, CA
Hey, you're from my neck of the woods...sort of :o). Congrats on your surgery and glad to hear that you are doing well...keep moving and sipping!! ~Suz

   High Wt. 251.5/Goal 150/Current 145  39 yrs. old, 5' 6" tall, Size 1
  December 22, 2009~~ BA, Fleur de Lis Tummy Tuck, Sm. Thigh lift   
                     Dr. Francisco Sauceda, Monterrey, Mexico

on 3/16/08 8:36 pm - NY
May your recovery be short and uneventful and welcome to the first week of the rest of your new life! Make the most of it, celebrate your successes no matter how small, forget your less then stellar moments and move on. ANDI
Dream it Live it
When Pigs Fly
Melissa D.
on 3/16/08 11:35 pm - West Burlington, IA
Yay!!  Congrats Rob!!   Welcome to the Loser's Bench!!


on 3/16/08 11:37 pm - Spokane Valley, WA
Glad everything went well for you. Look forward to hearing your progress.  Dont forget to take monthy pictures and measurements.. When those stalls happen on the scale, its great to have evidence the fat is melting off anyway!
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