bill proposed to fine restraunts for serving obese people

on 3/6/08 12:14 am - IL

1) Some bonehead proposed this legislation;

2) It it not a law and is never going to pass;

3) The fallout and lawsuits from discrimination would absolutely drown that state's legal system;

4) It's old news.


Kim Meeks
on 3/6/08 12:29 am - lubbock, TX
i didnt know it was old news and i realize that it would never pass i just cant believe that anyone would be stupid enough to even PROPOSE it! kf

                     trip to laurie's

 Kim Fiveash   
START: 270 /GOAL 150/  Lowest 129 /Current 140 (my new goal is 135 - half of 270=)










christina W.
on 3/6/08 1:06 am - olney, IL
i did not no it was old seeing i just heard about it. but the fact someone had the balls to even propose it for bill is astonosing.  as for what i said about mcdonalds being responsible for a lot of obese kids what i meant was for a long time mcdonalds had no healthy choices and there marketing campaign targeted children. alot of parents were not informed about the calories in the food they were serving. until the last few years . yes parents are responsible but alot of parents were not informed for many years. kids are not with there parents 24 /7 . and it was not just kids it was adults also. i never knew for years how many calories and how fattening some of there sandwhiches are.  i was just trying to express how wrong it was for them to do that to this man when they have helped to contribute to some of americas obesity issues with there high fat high calorie food. i beleive that fast food chains ar etrying to do better but even some of there menu items they are marketing as healthy choices are deceiving and not as healthy as they want us to beleiv e they are.
(deactivated member)
on 3/6/08 2:38 am - River Falls, WI

This is old news. And the author of the bill, himself not a slim jim, says he did it only to spotlight the growing epidemic of MO in the US, of which Mississippi leads the way.  Obviously, there is no way appropriate or enforcable guidelines could ever be developed. And of course, the folly also lies in the fact that most poeple don't eat the majority of their meals in restaurants, especially in Mississippi, which has a very low GNP.

Too bad this guy didn't propose something that would actually help: like mandated nutrition science classes starting in grade school, as well as yanking all vending machines from schools, and making school lunch programs got on a nutrition kick...and exercising programs in school that are FUN, challenging and engaging. Just my thoughts. Ann

on 3/6/08 3:51 am - Denver, CO
LOL LOL LOL  Sorry, but this is hillarious!  LOL  I would encourage every obese person I know to frequent those restraunts and file law suits against EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!  lol this morning on Good Morning America, they were discussing all the Billionaires... My obese friends would all find their way onto that list!  I'd encourage them!  :-) Unbelievable!   Lax
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