bill proposed to fine restraunts for serving obese people
i personally dont think that mcdonalds is responsible for making kids fat
i think they and their parents choose their foods and their activities
some of it is just plain old genetics
but, it is our choice whether we make poor food choices
not the responsiblity of the people who sell the food
if we quit buying they will be forced to sell better choices to make money
regarding the man
did he file a discrimination suit?
i hadnt heard about him
i looked up that old guy in mississippi who proposed that bill
he might be surprised who would fall into the obese catagory
i doubt that even all of the people in the "house" can eat publicly if that bill were to pass
How is Mcdonalds responsible for most of the obese kids in America? Wouldnt it be the parents who continually take the kids there? I know that we would occasionally have fast food when I was a child, but its definately not the fault of those restaurants that I was obese.. Please know Im not trying to start a flame war.. Im just trying to understand how people can blame the restaurants.. Warmest Regards, -Stephanie
That is absurd! The most ridiculous thing I have EVER heard. Who are they to determine who is obese and not and wether they can eat there or not? This is a free country last I heard and that is a blatant discrimination and takes away freedom of Americans. I know places are starting to prohibit smoking in resteraunts, but that is harmful to others around, BUT they can't stop the people from actually smoking elsewhere. It's their body and they will do with it as they see fit. An obese person eating is not harming anyone else around them. Oh my word, what is this world coming too, really??