Palpitations, dizziness,tingling in mouth and extremities
Has anyone experienced palpitations, dizziness (to the point of almost blacking out), tingling in mouth (around lips and tongue), tremors and tingling in hands and the trunk of your body? I also have hot flashes, difficulty breathing (which could be because I am scared to death when this happens), headache and Lord only knows what else, when this occurs. It has happened before, the one night we were in bed and D asked me if I was cold because I was shaking so bad, another time it woke me up out of a sound sleep and I was running around the house in a panic. That time I called D at work (she is a paramedic) and she had me go get her pulse-ox, my pulse was 120 (I had already drank a can of V-8) and she had me take my glucose, it was about 65. This time I am at work, got a hot flash, felt my heart start to speed up and the headache began (kind of a scary headache, tightness down my neck and in around my jaw.......can we say HEART ATTACK?????) I also got clammy, short of breath and thought I was going to pass out....right here...all alone....midnight shift in the I sat down, drew my own blood (that was a real treat let me tell you) and ate my slim jims and hard boiled eggs. I ran the blood work and everything was relatively normal EXCEPT my blood sugar was 49 (I had been misbehaving and had some spice jelly beans and my sugar was still only 49). Last time the dr didn't see me for hours and then they told me I was having PANIC ATTACKS, I was sound asleep!!!!!!!!!!! Then when I developed a virus about 4 days later they decided that must have been the issue all now what? I am calling when I get home and I want a postprandial glucose done! I think I am hypoglycemic, no I am not diabetic but it runs rampant on both sides of my family. I want to know that I am not crazy, I already worry about strokes and heart disease (If you knew my family history you would know why) and the last thing I want to worry about is hypoglycemia. Send me to a nutritionist or something. I was afraid at first that it was bradycardia, they tell me we tend to have that, maybe because our bodies are so used to functioning at such a high level to support that 400 lbs and to suddenly drop down to 175.............well, our bodies don't know how to adapt that quickly, but now I think it is hypoglycemia!!!! This time someone is listening to me dog-gone it!!! I was scared to death. I am alone up here and no one comes in until 5 am (this happened around 2:30 am) and where I was standing,even if security really came up and around, they would never have seen me. Noone would have missed me until they called for their results and couldn't find me.........................
I don't think that I have to worry about you not getting this tackled by a Dr. In fact, I know you'll have an answer by later this morning. I'm proud of you for taking things by the horns (at least I didn't use ya'll) and hopefully you can let us know how it all turned out.
Not to make light of you situation but, you know how terrifying the anxiety attack made you feel? That is how I wake up EVERY morning...the reasons my 22, 18 & 14 kids! The only comfort that I have, is the saying that my mother so lovingly left me "payback is a *****".
Let us know how you're doing, OK?

I am sorry your going thru this. I think we are always trying to corulate every symptom we have to our surgeries. Figuring out your blood glucose is very good but please do not rule out other things. Maybe the doctor should consider you on a holter moniter, what if your heart races and you have these symptoms because your going in and out of what we call SVT...your heart races. If you work in the hospital, can you call EKG tech to come do EKG on you when your having these spells? I am kinda thinking like you, you might be having some blood sugar issues, but there are other things. I know you can't believe a panic attack could be it, but I have seen pts wake up in night with them. But I agree with need to explore all areas of your health and not just assume its panic attack.
goodluck, and maybe looking at your food plan, is your carbs down, and protien up? That might help if you track it really good few day...see if that helps.
6 small protien meals instead of 3.
Sandy aka LinZhi's Mum
Here is my update. Called the dr's office at 8:15am, spoke to the desk person. "So you didn't actually pass out? Right?" NO thank goodness, since I am all alone and nobody would have missed me for hours. "Ok, I will talk to someone and they will call you back". back "all right so exactly what happened again?" Blah,blah,blah,blah "So your blood sugar was what? 49? Ok someone will call you back" 11:59....."So what did you do that made you feel better?" EXCUSE ME???? "Did you eat something?" Yes, hard boiled egg and a slim jim "Are you dieting?" I had gastric bypass surgery 2 years ago and I am not eating any different than I have been for the last 2 years. "OH I see, ok I will see what she wants you to do" (my PCP is a female and usually pretty awesome since she knows my ENTIRE family medical history). I finally gave up and went to bed around 3pm, they called back sometime after that and told D "She wants her to check her blood sugar more often" MORE OFTEN THAN WHAT????????????? If I call a nutritionist can they order testing? I want to know what is causing the hypoglycemia, is it just because of the surgery? Is it pituitary? Is it a pancreas problem (My grandma had pancreatitis) or a tumor? (my pap had larygeal cancer and lung cancer, his younger sister died at age 45 from an ovarian cancer that metastisized and my Mum passed away 3 years ago with Lymphoma). I had tingling and numbness in my hands ALOT, thought tho' that is was my carpal tunnel or needing to see the chiropracter cause I sleep on my belly and it causes my neck to go out. I do worry about heart problems too since my Mum, Dad and younger brother all died from heart complications. I worry about strokes since my paternal grandma had 15 strokes in 13 years AND my Mum & Dad both had several strokes. I know I sound like a hypochondriac but honestly, if something bad is going to happen I want to see it coming and it seems that I inherited EVERYTHING bad that my family has.
Oh well, enough whining.............I am calling my insurance company tomorrow and seeing if I need a referral for a nutritionist, I want to know how to eat to avoid all this.................Thanks for the ideas tho', I see my PCP in May so I might call my bariatric surgeon and see what they think and maybe they can order an EKG. Seems to me that they told me, about 2 years ago, that I have a murmur or something like that.