Weird Feeling

(deactivated member)
on 2/2/08 11:22 am - IN
Today and tonight i am having the strangest feeling in my stomach. I now know what it is. Right around my scar from my revision is starting to get the feeling back. It has been over a yr and today it started itching really bad,well tonight i noticed the feeling coming back to that area. I have not felt anything there in forever. I just hope it does not start giving me trouble now. Anyone else have this happen???
Dx E
on 2/2/08 11:42 am - Northern, MS

Hey Sweetie! Yep.  My “Yards of Scars” have been “waking up” for the past 4 years!! I still have about a 3”x4” section on my tummy that has no feeling, But it’s getting smaller each year. The edges around that space have been tingling and complaining constantly. Hope you are just having healing signs. I’ve been away from the Boards a lot lately. I’m so “out of the loop.” Hope you are doing better each day or at least keeping the docs busy Improving your health and life for the long-term. Best Wishes- Dx


 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

(deactivated member)
on 2/2/08 11:50 am - IN
There you are:) Long time no see huh....I hate this feeling but at least it is not pain :) I just got out of the hospital again on Thursday. I guess someone has to finance the new parking garage at the hospital . It is so bad that all the nurses and aides,well almost everyone on the third floor of that hospital knows me by name lol.However it is good too because they treat me like the Queen that i am I start back to work Monday and am looking forward to getting out of the house. You take care and hope to talk to you again soon...Hugs Val
Dawn Sobers
on 2/2/08 11:47 am - Muskegon, MI
Hi Sweetie Well now here I  thought you was feeling something weird an I was going to tell ya stop touching it. LOL Nerves have a strange way  of taking thier time reconnecting hopefully you wont have any trouble with it an that the itching stops soon. Glad to see you home. I've missed you much. Dawn

consult 392/ 360 day of surgery/ goal 150/ currently130

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(deactivated member)
on 2/2/08 11:52 am - IN
Hey Darlin, I sure have missed you too.So good to see you back where you belong:) How is my lil darlin doing? I bet she is one sweetie...I have missed seeing her smiling face . Send me some pics when you can..hope you are feeling better.Love to you...Mom
Dawn Sobers
on 2/2/08 11:59 am - Muskegon, MI
It feels good to be back. The little darling is being a little stinker tonight as she should of been in bed over an hour ago and is fighting like a tiger to remain up and into everything under the sun. I added some new pictures of her on my profile the other day she's getting so big. And has no fear of anything ( climbing being the problem) I'm ready to invest in a crash helmet and knee pads.  *hugs* Dawn

consult 392/ 360 day of surgery/ goal 150/ currently130

Ask me about my web store you know you want to.....
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(deactivated member)
on 2/2/08 12:05 pm - IN
What a cutie:) She looks like she has the same hairdresser as i do lol. Love it..she gets cuter by the minute. I am hoping this year to get to meet you and that sweet baby:) I am off to is too late for me lol. Talk to you tomorrow :) Love ya
(deactivated member)
on 2/2/08 11:59 am - IN
Hi Holly, this feels so weird. I have been rubbing it all day and tonight it seems to be getting worse. I am going to rub some lotion on it and hope it calms down enough for me to sleep:) I am doing good...the pain is gone and i hope the diarreha is gone by Monday but i know it is from the antibiotics and i have 6 more days of that...oh well ,it could be worse lol. Talk to you soon:) love Val
on 2/2/08 12:29 pm - LaGrange, KY
I have one of the scars from my RNY that was done lap that itches the heck out of me...
Holly Berry
on 2/2/08 11:52 am - Oceanside, CA
Hi! Oh, yes.  Even the lap little places would feel strange and then itch like all getout!  Sometimes I could scratch my skin, but I couldn't get to the ich because it was under my skin!  So I would rub the area (fairly hard to get the itch to move) and it would stop! Glad you're back safely! Hugs, Holly

Holly  260/132/125

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