Mississippi's Bill to Ban FAT People From Restaurants? Or Is It a Modest Proposal?!?
This has got to be an urban legend/ehoax .. how would you even enforce such a law, even if it were constitutional? Make the non-obese customers show a personal I.D. card verifying their status?
What they really need to do is to prohibit restaurants (and stores for that matter) from selling obese FOODS, e.g. prrocessed stuff high in cals, carbs, sugars, and/or fats with little nutritional value . The same as a controlled substance .. That's the REAL culprit!

Paul -- it's not a hoax. Really is a junk bill designed to draw attention to Mississippi's number one killer.
But I think you made a brilliant point -- Restaurants are going to be motivated to produce healthier foods and more reasonable portions. I believe that it cannot be MANDATED, but it will eventually be motivated in various business friendly ways. This is in the works in California (I am told).
No Atty its real, saw it on the news the other night.
Imagine how this would effect the local economy. They say 2/3 of the populationin MS is obese, that means every resaurant in town just lost 2/3 of their potential customers. A large prt of the of the other 1/3 won't go out vecause surely someone in circle of friends will be asked to leave or refused service. How many businesses will have close and how mnay jobs will be lost? Does this really make goo economic sense?
This brings up another question, can you work ina restaurant if you're obese under the proposed law? if not who would work these jobs?