Mississippi's Bill to Ban FAT People From Restaurants? Or Is It a Modest Proposal?!?
It's a way to draw attention to the problem, I suppose. No one who's sane truly believes this will get anywhere, nor is it going to affect any lasting change. It provokes discussion, but I don't see that it will make any difference in anyone's lives. However, we'll see (and have seen) a lot of people typing hard and fast and using a lot of exclamation points.
For those reading and having a knee-jerk reaction to the post-
“restaurants closed for feedign the obese... “
Please know that the article quoted there is completely a mis-representation of the “news event.” No restaurants “Have been Closed” for serving the obese, no law has been or is even planned to be passed and no one is being discriminated against. In fact quite the opposite.
Among the many who went straight to-
a few seem to “get it,” and one poster got to the crux of the situation-
“The article I read said the man who is proposing it said he knows it will not pass. I think it said he was trying to get attention to the problem.”
In fact, Representative W.T. Mayhall, Jr (retired, Obese pharmaceutical rep.) who cooked up this “publicity stunt” along with fellow reps John Read (an Obese pharmacist and present Officer of the Public Health and Human Services Committee) and Bobby Shows (formerly Obese member of the Agriculture Committee) joined forces once again and wrote this outrageously inflammatory proposal to garner the attention of the media. It was written, as Mayhall said, because of the “urgency of the obesity crisis and need for government action.” He hopes it will “call attention to the serious problem of obesity.”
Mississippi has led the nation for highest per capita % of Obesity and Morbid Obesity for the past 6 years according to the Center for Disease Control.
For the past 5 years Read and Shows have sponsored several initiatives to allocate state budgets to fund and support nutrition and exercise programs in the schools as well as secure funding to deal with the health crisis of Obesity.
Their efforts have all died in committee and have garnered little more than a yawn from fellow politicians.
So, enter Jr. member Mayhall, known for being a bit of a reactionary “bomb-thrower” (and a bit of a boob) and suddenly Read and Show have a way of finally catching the ear of the State and getting people stirred up enough to show interest.
Sort of a present day Modest-Proposal.
Once this intentionally outrageously ridiculous proposal has quickly failed, (and Mayhall has taken the heat) Shows and Read (who have fought for funding for Obesity and Childhood Diabetes concerns for years in the state) can once again submit their requests for funding directed to serving the health needs of a state dying from Obesity. Then, perhaps there will be enough interest and awareness to rally the state government to rational, and positive action.
Simple initiatives like having the candy and coke machines withdrawn from the elementary schools, has been thwarted statewide by the fact that the vending companies give money to the schools, clearly at the cost of the kids health.
Rather than condemn Mississippi and draw parallels as some have done…like-
“Discrimination is Mississippi? Well Duh! Hahaha”
Take a step back, and think…
When you see a “Man Bites Dog!” headline….There’s probably a lot more going on behind the story that is un-reported for the sake of Drama.
It’s great that so many completely reject the clearly ridiculous. But don’t be “played.”
Or Do, and resume the easier path of being greatly offended and lashing out…
Make sure to over state the issue and shout out- “Concentration Camp!” “Discrimination!” and since it’s Mississippi, be sure to throw in “Segregation!”
Just use a good conditioner tomorrow.
Best Wishes-
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable
on 2/2/08 12:03 pm

Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable