restaurants closed for feedign the obese Can you believe it?
The Obesity Action Coalition, a national nonprofit organization, released this press statement about the bill:
I encourage everyone to check out the Obesity Action Coalition, and if you can, to support them with a $20 membership. Here's their mission statement:
"The mission of the OAC is to elevate and empower those affected by obesity through education, advocacy and support. The OAC strives to educate obese individuals, family members and the public on obesity. In addition, the OAC will increase obesity education, work to improve access to medical treatments for the obese, advocate for safe and effective treatments and strive to eliminate the negative stigma associated with obesity."
I encourage everyone to check out the Obesity Action Coalition, and if you can, to support them with a $20 membership. Here's their mission statement:
"The mission of the OAC is to elevate and empower those affected by obesity through education, advocacy and support. The OAC strives to educate obese individuals, family members and the public on obesity. In addition, the OAC will increase obesity education, work to improve access to medical treatments for the obese, advocate for safe and effective treatments and strive to eliminate the negative stigma associated with obesity."
Yes! Absolutely discriminating!! Absolutely disgusting!! I cannot not begin to fathom this law!
Narrow minded, uneducated, self centered (*^*&%!!!!!!!
Just like Segregation!
Just like Hitler killing off Jews!!!
Might as well place a sign up saying "DO NOT FEED THE ANIMALS!"
2 entries found.- Main Entry:
- 1prej·u·dice
- Pronunciation:
- \ˈpre-jə-dəs\
- Function:
- noun
- Etymology:
- Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin praejudicium previous judgment, damage, from prae- + judicium judgment — more at judicial
- Date:
- 13th century
If you ban restaurants from serving obese customers in a state that has so many, then the restaurants would suffer, thus negatively impacting the economy of that state.
This just goes to show how ignorant some of our elected officials really are.
This just goes to show how ignorant some of our elected officials really are.
"It's all about moderation, not deprivation"..........Shawna
Someone on another message board that I visit actually said they support this and they don't feel that this is any different (or worse) than banning smoking in public, in the workplace, or in cars with children.
I've never heard of anyone dying from second-hand EATING, have you?

- I will learn to let go what I cannot change, but I will change whatever I can. Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
Have you taken your vitamins today?
(deactivated member)
on 2/2/08 7:59 am - River Falls, WI
on 2/2/08 7:59 am - River Falls, WI
This has been making news for the last few days and those who have proposed this should be hung up by the toenails for a few days. Exactly who is going to judge and jury on what constitutes extremely overweight? And will they know for sure what's causing an individual's obesity? Sounds like extreme discrimination and something that would quickly become fodder for law suits. Two thumbs down for me!
I knew when they got all they could out of the smokers they would start on something else. We are becoming a communist country with the government telling us what & where we can eat and smoke. I'm telling you people it's coming wait and see. We never thought they would outlaw the smoking in all public places but they did..........what's next????
I don't like smoking either but I don't like government telling me where and what I can do.