A Bill banning obese from restaurants?!?!
HAVE YOU ALL SEEN THIS?!?!?! . IF YOU LIVE IN MISSISSIPPI you'd better start writing your Congressmen now. Idiots.
****** Meet Republicans W. T. Mayhall, Jr. and John Read, and Democrat Bobby Shows. These three idiots are members of Mississippi's House of Representatives and came up with one of the dumbest bills in history. They are proposing a bill that will make it illegal for state-licensed restaurants to serve obese people. That means anybody with a BMI of 30 or above won't be able to eat with everybody else. This is a problem since 30% of the state is considered obese.
The two page document states that any restaurant that breaks the law could get their license pulled. http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/years/2008/0201081fat1. html
Maria -- 268/170/140?
Daniel Gordon -- Born into our hands, December 19, 2006 (picture in avatar)
Samuel David Thomas -- Born to us September 29, 2008.
In Remembrance:
Baby Daniel's identical twin brother, Steven Christopher, born into God's
hands, December 19, 2006.
Daniel (the original Daniel, my father). July 13, 1939-June 12, 2007
Maria -- 268/170/140?
Daniel Gordon -- Born into our hands, December 19, 2006 (picture in avatar)
Samuel David Thomas -- Born to us September 29, 2008.
In Remembrance:
Baby Daniel's identical twin brother, Steven Christopher, born into God's
hands, December 19, 2006.
Daniel (the original Daniel, my father). July 13, 1939-June 12, 2007

Correct me IF I am wrong but isnt that DISCRIMINATION?! After all you cannot compare it to smoking...smoking effects those around you. Eating does NOT! If it was NOT for the obese more than half of these restaurants would be out of business! What will they do next? Ban the obese from the work place? Or from riding public transportation? Maybe they should just lock us up and throw away the key so no one has to look at us? Perhaps they should sterilize us so that we do NOT procreate! Ok I am going off on a tanget now..I better stop! Sorry. I am not from MISS But this ticks me off that someone coud even get away with proposing such a thing! As far as the NO SMOKING laws...Just because they stopped smoking in many public places does NOT mean "smokers" STOPPED smoking!
4 ever in my ...Vincent & Lucas...RIP...mommies lil'