Sugar Free Tylenol? Where to find?
Hey all! Soo....after dumping on Rapid Release Tylenol my first night home(dummy! :) )),
I realize I need something sugar free because Morphine and I don't get along(thats what I was given when released from the hosp). but..CVS & Walmart both don't have it!!!! Do you guys know where to find it? Tks in advance, Anne
I dont know what you could take in lieu of tylenol... .but Regular Rapid release Tylenol... Has no sugar in it. Thats all I will take is rapid release. I take Tylenol Sinus Rapid Release, Tylenol Cold rapid Release, etc.
Its not sugar you were reacting to .... its something else.
According to the pharmacist at CVS, Rapid Burst(thats the right name) Tylenol Cherry Flavor
is chock full of sugar and the second inactive ingrediant is corn syrup so I guess it would be sugar I dunno if we are talking about the same thing. All I know is I had dumping from it, and even the doc's office told me not to use it anymore. Sooo...I tried the suppositories but I would really rather do something else. I am allergic to Lortab so I can't take that, but I suppose if I cannot find s/f
tylenol, I'll either cru**** up with water and see how that goes or talk to the doc on tues if I still need something. I feel better today but I am still really tender & sore.
Protein & water is like a job. Wow! How do I get it all in? And the vitamins? That is like a meal in itself.
You are taking the wrong medicine... Rapid Burst is waayyyyy different than taking "Rapid Release"... it's the only thing i've been taking since my surgery. We can take any Tylenol Product. You can even take "Liquid" Tylenol right now as you are only a few days out of surgery.. I lived on Liquid Tylenol for about a month after sugery till I knew I could swallow pills.
Hope this helps...
Rapid Burst... and RAPID RELEASE (as in your first post) are two COMPLETELY different mdeicines. Take Rapid Release... its a pill form, its not going to hurt your stomache. With the rapid release it dissolves quickly and you'll be good to go.
And yes Rapid burst, and all other liquid tylenols are full of sugar. Any liquid medicine is really...