Carnie Wilson?!?!?!
it really bugs me how we are perfect now that we lost weight..
like reformed smokers??
i am shocked at the comments considering that the majority here are pre-op and feel bad ennough about thier weight and would be happy to be were carnie wilson is now!
I am a QUNT from Quix! and proud of it!
on 1/24/08 5:11 am - Somewhere Else
Anthony Gene my beloved brother 11/8/1957- 2/21/2007
Jalina Laynne angel granddaughter 2/1/2007- 7/4/2007
Michael Anthony beloved grandson 6/13/2007-2/8/2008
God bless and keep you all til we are together again. I love you always and forever!!!!
highest 263/pre op 233/current 176/goal 150
Wilson Phillips was always one of my favourite groups, and I thought Carnie always had a wonderful voice. It shouldn't be a big deal that since Carnie Wilson had surgery and got thin that she's put on weight. A lot of people eat for different reasons, and perhaps she was just sick of people carrying on about her weight troubles. There are things that people can do to maintain their weight loss and keep it off...perhaps Carnie after having her baby, wasn't doing what she should have been doing, or doing what was suggested by her doctor. Weight gain and loss happens to everyone. Some more significant than others...either they gain weight or they lose weight. I would HATE to be in the public eye. It's like you need to be a size 6 or your life is over. As long as you're healthy...and have the positive attitude to go with it, I don't think it really matters.
I'm sure that Carnie will get back on track. Things might just be a bit hectic right now that she can't find the time to maintain a healthy lifestyle any longer. *shrugs* She still looks fabulous.
Start weight: 233//Goal weight: 130//Height: 5' 3.5"//Age: 29
Give her a break..........she is human. Sh*t happens. No one is perfect. I too have re-gained 30 pounds after losing 100. We dont know what her life is like out of the spotlight. She looked pretty good in her PLAYBOY pics and people ragged on her then too. If she had not done this surgery in the spotlight like she did I dont think many of us would have had it ourselves. Maybe we should consider that and buckle down and try to not regain or fall off the "wagon". What a cruel world we live in... we get picked on as kids and as adults. Sometimes adults are the meanest. It is a shame that someone who knows where she is coming from would even have the nerve to make such remarks. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones. I have put on weight for several reasons....thyroid, hypoglycemic and recent plastic surgery (could not work out for months), depression and age. I have also slacked off on my eating properly and working out. Its my own fault. but this is my opinion and my own personal feelings. tammy
5ft0....sw 233,lw 133,gw 135,cw 193..........
I am not doing so good in this part of my journey...9 yrs later. :-(
I would love for you people who are commenting on Carnie's weight to come back here in 8 years and report in on your regain. According to her website: She is still down 120 lbs from her highest weight. It's easy for those of you still in your losing phase to get ****y. Just wait a few years and see how you are doing then. Susan (who is damn happy to still be 142 lbs lighter than in 2000!!!)
I think most of the responses were positive but I understand what you are saying. I think when you're in that losing phase or those who have just made kinda feel that rush of "arriving" or being golden so to speak. Kinda like what instant celebs would feel, I imagine. NOT that I have any first hand knowledge of that. lol
I fully expect that I'll be monitoring my own weight...and more health - - forever.