feeling like a screw up and a failure. sorry but it's true...
5'2" SHORT!!
TT 12-2-08
If possible, get a 2nd opinion. Sometimes when I here what SOME medical "professionals" say....ARGH!! I often wonder if they aren't more concerned with keeping their surgery records clear of complications and that's why issues get brushed off. I've not personally had that experience but I still can't help but to wonder if that's not true for a select few... 22 Dulcolax. Be careful. You could be causing more harm than good. Just worried for you. Sounds like an awful lot for the innards to deal with.
I've been watching your progress and you are NOT a failure! Please don't continue saying, repeating, writing or thinking those UNproductive thoughts!!! You deserve better.
Be well.
I hope you're feeling a little better by now... if not {{{{{ hug }}}}} did that help? lol A couple of things: 1. Get ye to Walmart and pick up some Vitamin D3 and start taking that. When mine came up on the low side of normal, my PCP recommended that I get in 1600 iu a day. 2. While you're there, also pick up a B-12 sublingual and start using those daily. The above is on the assumption that you aren't already taking these supplements. If you are, then up the dosage and see how you do. 3. Have you spoken with your wls about the abdominal issue? I know I've seen you write on this before, and it seems you're always talking abuot your PCP. For something like this, I would definitely talk with your wl surgeon, as he would have a better idea of what could be going on as a result of your surgery. Even the most sympathetic PCP isn't going to be fully in the know on the potential complications of wls.
4. As for your PCP... is s/he part of a group? Can you see someone else that might be more helpful? I know there's one dr in my group that I wouldn't go to if she were the last dr on earth... I think all she was taught in medical school was to say "just wait it out." That being said, you should look into finding another PCP if your current one isn't listening to you! There is no way that taking the number of laxatives that you're taking is healthy. I hope you get some resolution to this soon! Wendy
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Sorry you are going through this, demand your doctors attention, you hired her! As for the vitamin D.....I strongly recommend vitalday's vitamin D....my D was low and it didn't take much time at all to bring it up, within 4 days I noticed a difference. Michelle can recommend to you what strength and how many to initially take.
Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05
9 years committed ~ 100% EWL and Maintaining
Dave Chambers, 6'3" tall, 365 before RNY, 185 low, 200 currently. My profile page: product reviews, tips for your journey, hi protein snacks, hi potency delicious green tea, and personal web site.