Poppin' Your Cherry. You'll be disappointed.

(deactivated member)
on 1/20/08 10:51 am - Somewhere Else
LOL depend son the day...I could be good or bad hehehehehehe It's the weirdest thing....maybe I'm possessed??? LOL
on 1/20/08 10:56 am
It's not generally automatic.  So, perhaps you're a ghoul.
(deactivated member)
on 1/20/08 11:02 am - Somewhere Else
Shhhhhhhh don't tell everyone my secret!
on 1/20/08 10:43 am - Where the Sun Shines, CA
I tested out your theory on Starbucks... I believe you!!!
And I'm not a soda drinker... so, I'll not test this one...
I'm sure it tastes like SQUAT!!!

highest :313 | current :124 | low goal :145 | lowest: 118
on 1/20/08 10:45 am
Saving you money!  :D
on 1/20/08 10:50 am - Jacksonville, FL
RNY on 12/20/05 with

I read the title of your post..

and think OMG Beth has done gone and lost it totally and is giving us a porn post of some kind....

THEN its about Dr.PepperCherry Chocolate...

PHHFFTTTT I hate Dr. Pepper.

I hate CHERRY flavoring of any kind in my soda... 

I am SOOOO disappointed.....

in so many ways.  LOL!!!!

on 1/20/08 10:51 am
BAHAHAHAHA!  I warned you.  In the interest of full disclosure, I tole you that you'd be disappointed.
on 1/20/08 11:13 am - Braintree, MA
Hey ... I thought soda was a big no no?  I thought carbonated bevs were  off limits...that they could stretch your pouch.  I was a total soda junky before surgery...and I have times that I totally crave it! But I have not had one single sip since July.  Yay!  My bev of choice now is Gatorade.
on 1/20/08 11:19 am
Gatorade is a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge no-no.  Pure sugar. Diet soda, you can burp.  :)
on 1/20/08 11:20 am - Jacksonville, FL
RNY on 12/20/05 with

As Beth said earlier---its a bunch of HOOEY!!!

Think of your pouch as a balloon with TWO openings... try and keep air in a balloon like that---it won't happen.  That air is going somewhere.... BURP BURP BURP

No, it's not "ladylike" but everyone burps!!  Besides over time your pouch will stretch some... NOT to the size your old stomach was, but it will go from about the new  1-2 oz size to about 4-9 oz. size... give or take a few. 

The great soda debate will go on and on.. but at this time there is no hard and fast data.. it's all supposition from various doctors. When one of them comes up with empirical study with a control group and I see the tables of data ...  I might listen... until then BRING ON THE DIET COKE!!!

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