Poppin' Your Cherry. You'll be disappointed.

on 1/20/08 9:16 am

Popping Your Cherry: Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry Chocolate Review

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"Cherry Chocolate Diet Dr Pepper is the perfect indulgence...zero calories, zero carbs, zero guilt, and all the flavor of Dr Pepper," said Andrew Springate, vice president of marketing for CSAB. "Based on consumer response, we expect Cherry Chocolate Diet Dr Pepper will have a strong and devoted following."

Uh.  I don't think so.  I'm trying to like you, Diet Doctah Peppah.  I am.  But from the first sip, I don't. Animationpop The smell leads you to believe that the taste is more CHERRIES, YUMMY, CHERRIES when the taste, leads you straight to the Tootsie Rolls.  I think Starbucks AND Dr. Pepper were thinking chewy teeth rotting confections when they made their Sugar-Free Mochas and Diet Cherry Chocolate Dr. Pepper Soda. Trolls_01 I'm still waiting for the luscious cherry flavor to hit my taste buds.  Nothing.  Nada.  I smell it - but I can't taste it.  Whatever.

So, it's a freebie treat - there's nothing to it - no carbs, no calories, no nothing - 'cept for aspartame.  Dr. Pepper has been marketing it as a dessert for us dieters.  I tried to sell it to my boy, I told him, "It tastes JUST like your FAVORITE CANDY, LOOK!"  He won't take it.  I've got eleven cans to get through.

(deactivated member)
on 1/20/08 9:36 am, edited 1/20/08 10:07 am - Down on the Farm, Canada
See, that aspertame is so toxic, that it has done gone and  melted the cherry flavour. Oh well, they tried.
on 1/20/08 9:38 am - Painesville, OH
I liked it only for an occasional "something different" treat.  NOt my favorite mind you, but tolerable! Michelle
on 1/20/08 9:41 am
I was thinking: "This, might be tolerable with ice cream floating in it." Then I remembered that ice cream makes me die. I'm still trying to sell it to the boy.
on 1/20/08 9:55 am - CT
God I love your topic headers - you mike me laugh every day.  How are you feeling?

Age:  30          Height:  5' 6"
124 pounds lost since surgery on 12/17/07

on 1/20/08 9:58 am
Not good.  All of a sudden my back-ache has returned, and brought with it Hot Legs.  I'm a little worried.  I hate that now I'm a walking boo-boo waiting to happen.  BUT I was avoiding it.  Dr. House, where are you?
on 1/20/08 10:03 am - CT
Ugh, I'm sorry you;re not feeling good.  I really hope they figure this whole thing out for you and SOON.  Dr House...OMG, my fav show.  Wouldn't it be nice to have one working on your case!!

Age:  30          Height:  5' 6"
124 pounds lost since surgery on 12/17/07

on 1/20/08 9:58 am - Little Elm, TX
I love Tootsie Rolls BUT I am not crazy about cherry flavoring and HATE Dr. P. So I am sticking to my Coke Zero... yummy .. so much better than Diet Coke! Arleen


on 1/20/08 10:00 am
Coke Zero tastes too much like regular COKE to me, isn't that insane? I am so used to the artificial Diet Coke and Pepsi.  :X
Clare C.
on 1/20/08 10:10 am - North Andover, MA
Hey Beth, Love your topics. You are too funny. By the way...my nut told me that diet sodas or anything with carbonation is not good for the pouch. They are doing studies that carbonation might cause the pouch to expand. How true it is I don't know. Chat soon, Clare

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