Who's happy? And why???

on 1/17/08 5:22 am - san antonio, TX

I am happy because: I am healthier than i have ever been. My kids are healthy and happy. My marriage is working out after all. I can now wear a size 9, havent worn that since the 11 grade! I love my job as opposed to last year, I was in a job that made me so sad all the time. I live in this great country.  And last but not least...that def leppard just announced their world tour and I am going to Vegas to see them!!!!! yay! Oh and Pin...your hair is hot.. you look great!



Yay! I can see my feet !!!!

on 1/17/08 5:36 am - manchester, CT
I'm happy today because even though I feel self conscious about  wearing the long sleeve black and gray shirt my husband got me (size L) for christmas which is a nice form fit on me, I still wear it!  Why? I like the compliments I get... hehehehe...  Everyone says how I'm shrinking before their eyes and they stop to talk to me about how I am doing.  I love being told how I look so good. How I seem to have lost tons of weight and I am very proud of having lost my 77lbs so far :) I feel great and I smile with each co-workers comment and man do I get them in these clothes, which have begun to fit a little loose... WOO HOOO size 18 pants and size MEDIUM shirts here I come!


on 1/17/08 5:49 am - Danbury, CT
I want so much to be happy.

Baby Text


(deactivated member)
on 1/17/08 5:54 am - Somewhere Else
aww Sweetie, you'll get it. With as much as I have to be iserable about, I refuse to be UNhappy. I may suffer from depression, but that's not the same as being unhappy. Look hard, there has to be something that makes you happy.
two together forever
on 1/17/08 8:25 am - somewhere, UT
Mousie, why aren't you happy? I've been worried about you again. I wish you well and I am here if you need to talk. Jo Ann

(deactivated member)
on 1/17/08 5:57 am - Somewhere Else

Argh, my internet has been down for like an hour! I just want to say thank you to everyone for the compliments on my hair hehehe...it feels great!

AND a big thank you for everyone who has participated in this thread...I hope it continues. Everyone has to find at least one thing to be happy about...it doesn't have to be big....and it doesn't have to mean a thing to anyone else...but there has to be at least 1 thing in everyone's life. Makes me feel good to read about everyone's happiness. Best part is, there is no vanity in it either...everyone has such great reasons for their happiness! I hope to hear more!

(deactivated member)
on 1/17/08 6:17 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
Today I'm happy because I'm wearing a pair of size 14 pants, a large t-shirt, and a size 16 jacket.  I was wearing tight size 36 pants and 5x/6x shirts before surgery, and I'm just amazed that I can wear 14s and 16s.   I'm also happy because my Mom is home from a trip to Israel; I worried that something would happen while she was gone because Israel can be a dangerous place.  So I'm glad she is home safe and sound.   Those are my blessings for today -  Kellie
Dx E
on 1/17/08 6:28 am - Northern, MS

In order to be happier? I’d have to be twins!! I’m healthier and feel younger now starting out my 50’s Than I was in my late 20’s! Past the 25 year anniversary with my adorable missus, And we still can make each other giggle like kids. My son is out of high school and on with his life. So glad to have the health to enjoy this time of my life! (I’ve fortunately missed ‘the negativity.’  Maybe it goes way over my head.) Best Wishes- Dx


 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

(deactivated member)
on 1/17/08 7:08 am - Somewhere Else
That sounds great Dx! Ah, negativity is everywhere, but, DON'T go looking for it! :-)
jade J.
on 1/17/08 7:39 am - NJ

I am so happy about so many things.


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