Who's happy? And why???

on 1/17/08 3:53 am - Killen, AL
I am so happy to be alive and healthy, and enjoying my family.   Great question. 
Dr. Clements saved me!!! Thank you Dr, Clements!!!  If life deals you lemons, make lemonade.   I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person  you want to annoy for the rest of your life.
Starting weight 267/ currently 110 below goal
(deactivated member)
on 1/17/08 3:56 am - Somewhere Else

Great responses so far! You all have so much to be happy about! I have to respond too I suppose LOL. Even with the hardships I've had to deal with in the past year and a bit....I have to say I'm happy about so many other things... 1 - I have my health back! 2 - I have the 2 best kids on earth! 3 - I have a great husband! 4 - Although I may not have friends at home to turn to...I do have some great friends that I can count on when I need them, albeit they may be many miles away...in my heart they are always close to me. 5 - I have great doctors who help me through some really rough spots in my life (MIchael, Isabelle and Nicolas....love you all!) 6 - I have an extended family who is like family of my own (MY ex's family) who are always here for me 7- I have many people here and on Quix who are ready, willing and able to support me in many ways. Many are just so good at making me smile on a rough day...I love them all for that. 8-I have to include my pup...LOL...Murphy, he knows just how to make me feel good...he has his spot on my lap...LOL OOOhhhhh so many other things!

on 1/17/08 4:14 am - Harvard, IL
I am happy you posted this feel good post. You look beautiful in your new hair-do. It may not be new to you but I have not been on the board much. My own hair is a disaster at the moment and will be until I grow it out or cut it off again..... I thought I had the best sons and hubby, but I am glad we share believing we each do. I am at work...in a snow storm that could be 9 inches or more. My life is full of blessings everyday. I am happy exercise has become an obsession for me. I feel healthy for an old woman. My friends are awesome. My DH and I both have jobs we like doing and also get to spend some time together. My family is healthy this winter. My clients give me joy. Life is good.
on 1/17/08 4:00 am - Shelbyville, MI
I'm happy I'm 140 pounds lighter (lost 50 before surgery), got engaged Christmas day to a wonderful man who loves and supports me (fat or thin is okay with him!), happy I'm healthy and ejoy going to the gym to exercise, excellent blood pressure, no apnea, happy to find great clothes at Salvation Army and resale stores, happy that I'm now a grandma!! Happy that I love my career, happy that I had the greatest surgeon in the world...Go Dr. Verseman,  happy that Borgess hospital has a great Bariatric Support group, happy that I can dance all night long, happy that my dogs love to go on long walks with me and happy that I have the best friends in the whole wide world!!
Amy B.
on 1/17/08 4:03 am - Deerfield, IL
I'm happy because I have finally found a routine that keeps me from getting stuffed full of poo! (Thank you Magnesium Citrate and Miralax!) I'm happy because I have had a really restful month-long break from college, and I feel ready to get back at it next Tuesday. I'm happy because I choose to be

   Amy 293/140 - AT GOAL!   

on 1/17/08 4:09 am - Terre Haute, IN
I love your last line......... "I'm happy because I choose to be"  Sooooooooooo true!!!
on 1/17/08 5:26 am - Nashua, NH
High Jack, Hey Amy, can you PM me with your great way to get rid of poo, I think I could use it.  Hi Pin, like others I love your new Do it looks awesome. I'm happy cause on Saturday I will be 4 yrs out and have maintained below my goal for the pass 3 yrs. I'm down 142 lbs, have a great Surgeon who takes good care of me, even with crazy health issues that they don't know whats wrong and his staff well they are the best. I'm luck to have a great hubby and sorry girls but I have the best son in the world..lol Oh and lastly I'm happy cause Il is getting snow today and not us in NH. We are expecting a little tonight turning to rain tomorrow (freezing rain) should be a happy ride to work in the morning. lol great question...
Laurie in NH     Expect the Best !  You will receive the Best....
Joy F.
on 1/17/08 4:09 am - Los Angeles, CA
I am happy because I am having my surgery next Wednesday!!!!  Woo hoo!!
on 1/17/08 4:11 am - Sweden

Hi Pinalope,

I am so happy I feel guilty about it. I have a great job, everything I need in terms of material things, enough money to pay the bills on time, and live in a very beautiful place. I've lost almost 50 pounds (49½) in less than three months after VSG, I have a cranky, beloved old cat, a funny little clown of a golden retriever and an adorable labrador retriever "grand-dog." And most of all - and for whom I would give up everything listed above without thinking twice about it - I have my beloved husband and daughter and my wonderful sisters. Life is good and I am savoring every moment of it, because I know that everything can change in an instant and I may need the strength given by knowing that life *can* be this good to get me through difficult times - I've had them before and am quite sure I will have them again at some point in the future.


Why can't my inner fashionista and my inner feminist just get along? Ros-mari

g1rl 0n f1re
on 1/17/08 4:11 am - City of Angels, CA

damn, it feels good to be a gangsta... xxxbecca

" Let us drink a toast....to Gods and Monsters"
                                    -Dr. Pretorious; Bride of Frankenstein

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