Post op from a total reversal of my gastric bypass

jade J.
on 1/17/08 11:44 pm - NJ
How much did they bypass why arent you telling the whole story on how your surgeon screwed you up? What did he do?

Blessed One
on 1/18/08 1:40 pm - Silicon Valley, CA

How are we to eat and take our vitamins Sandra? Pleas do tell... I am very interested in hearing what you have to say. I personally have my own opinion and I do things for myself based on my research, and I'm always looking to learn from others. I would appreciated your opinion based on your own experience. Thanks, Erika

on 2/22/08 3:37 pm - cincinnati, OH
Vitamins  after WLS is the most important thing to.  That,anc load up on at least 60 to80 grams of protein a day. Erika, It took  a lot  of crap through going through the reersal.  Trust  me when i say that I so wanted to be thin.  I wasn't really unhealthy (no apnea or diabhetes), but. it took me 3 months after my reversal to keep from breaking anything else.  I ave also broken 3 fingers. Right  now we are checking m y B1,B12,Calcium, pottassium, and sodium. I have epilepsy which is usually improved over the years, but  I am not absorpting my meds by mouth at all. This has truly been a nightmare for me.  I know there are several of you out there doing well.  Congats to you. So please when having blood levels checked, as that they check BI, B12, Calcium, Potassium, albumen THank you for writing.  I don't feel so alone.  No one in my immediate family has had the surgery, wrote for the WLS Lifestyles Magazine for a while, and won a Humanitarian Award a couple of years in Floria where I met Carnive Wilson.  She was pregnant atthe time and looked beautiful of course. Sorry for rambling.  Just always remember to write to the [email protected] , address. God bless
on 1/18/08 2:37 pm - AR
Sandy First let me say how sorry I am that things went so horribly wrong.  It sounds as if your WLS was performed incorrectly to begin with which probably led to many of the problems you are having.  (I make this determination by your remark that your surgeon bypassed 2 1/2 times more than he should have.  Sounds like a big mistake to me and definately would have caused or worsened your absorption problems.) However, I agree with others who have said it is not fair to say that WLS is bad.  There are risks of complications (including death) with most every surgery (including WLS), especially if the procedure is done incorrectly (as yours apparently was).   You say that you wish people could lose the "healthy" way like on "The Biggest Loser".  While I admit that I do like watching that show, it is not a "healthy" way to lose weight.  In fact, many contestants regain most of the weight they lose on the show.  Time magazine did an artical about Ryan So-In-So (who won a year or so ago) and he has regained almost all of his weight and was up to around 300 pounds again when the article ran.  The contestants on that show lose weight by non-stop exercise (which noone in real life could do), calorie restriction (which most people do not have the will-power to do on a permanent basis) and limited water intake (contestants are warned about getting TOO dehydrated, but perpetual dehydration is common.  In the time magazine article, Ryan said that he regained 32 pounds in the first week after his win because he started drinking water again.  Another contestant stated that she ate nothing but sugar free jello and asparagus (as well as climbing in & out of a sauna for a few hours) prior to weigh in.  Does that sound "healthy" to you?  That show is designed to produce rapid weight loss.  It is not designed to help people MAINTAIN any sort of weight loss.   The reality is that 95-98% of diets fail.  So for that 95-98% of us who have tried for years (decades even) to lose the weight, WLS may be the only real chance that we ever have to live a healthier life.   The majority of people live a healthier life post-WLS.  Your problems are very real and terrible.  But they account for a VERY SMALL percentage of post-ops.   Obesity and/or complications due to obesity (diabetes, sleep apnea, etc) kill people every day.  Of the top 6 killers in this country, 5 are caused by obesity (per the administrator of the hospital at our support group a couple of months ago).  The fact of the matter is that many of us were slowly DYING due to our obesity prior to weight loss surgery.   Weight loss surgery saves lives.  It is NOT a bad thing to do.   I take issue with you acting like you are here to "save" people.  The fact of the matter is, weight loss surgery is what will probably "save" most of the people coming on here to get WLS.   According to recent data, those who are ELIGBLE for weight loss surgery but elect NOT to go through with it are 9 times more likely to die within 5 years than those who DID undergo WLS.  You should not try to talk people out of it any more than I or anyone else should try to talk people into it.  You could be costing someone their life.   Don't get me wrong.  I have NO problem with people posting about their complications - whatever they may be.  But when you rejoin OH and say that you are "here for a reason" to "help others learn what COULD happen after WLS" - it smacks more of trying to talk people out of WLS instead of actual "education".   Just my opinion. 
on 1/18/08 8:57 pm - cincinnati, OH
Wendy, I notice that your surgery was just in August 07.  I had 3 GREAT years prior to my surgery.  In fact, I lost all my weight in just 10 months following my surgery. I was totally an advocate for the surgery.  I wrote articles for WLS Lifestyles Magazine, ran a website, and even had a support group that meant weekly.  In fact, I won a Humanitarian Award for my work in the WLS Community. I know for now, your life is wonderful.  I am not here to say that your world is going to come crashing down on you one day.  But, the stats out specifically say that absorption and obstruction issues get worse the farther out you become. If I could go back in time, I would have definitely done the "Biggest Loser" show in a heartbeat.  Yeah maybe some of those people gain some weight back, but I guarantee none of them end up in the OR a total of 16 times in 7 years like I have. Do you know what it is like to have debilitating pain in your abdomen, and I wake up to bile in my mouth, and vomiting all day long?  I don't want anyone to have a life like I have. I am very much a Christian.  I do lots of praying.  At times, I pray to God to please take me home to him.  No one should have to suffer like this.  At almost 45 years old, I can't imagine the thought of living like this at my 80th birthday party. Sandy
jade J.
on 1/18/08 11:24 pm - NJ
Sandy, sorry for all your problems, how much did he bypass and screwup,if you are going to tell the story please tell us the whole truth, you are talking to millions of people here, I have asked three times and you have not answered. Please respect everyone and tell us. I think it is horrible that they screwed up on you and it could of been any of us. Did you sue? Love,Jade

on 1/18/08 11:50 pm - AR

Sandy, I'm not really sure what the point of your response to me post was since you really responded to none of what I said.   Your WLS was BOTCHED.  Now it seems you are coming on here trying to discourage people from having WLS.  This is ignorant since, in effect, you did not have the same surgery that we had - you had a BOTCHED procedure, which is NOT the same procedure that 99.9% of people on here will have. In your initial post, you didn't even mention your surgery was botched.  You just acted like your issues are normal long-term post-op issues.  That isn't the case.   In one post, you said that you did everything perfect with regards to your vitamins, etc.  Then in another post you say that you are here to instruct people on the proper way to TAKE their vitamins IF they chose to go through with WLS.  This wasn't what caused your problems, a BOTCHED surgery was, so this makes no sense. Again, this smacks of you trying to talk people out of WLS, which is NOT a good thing - especially when you are obviously being somewhat misleading. (Example:  Your first post acts as though you had a normal WLS when in fact you had a BOTCHED surgery that would F up ANYONE!) Wendy

on 1/19/08 12:07 am - AR
Also, the stats do NOT show that absorption gets WORSE with time. Absorption gets BETTER with time.  Reason?  The stems in your intestine KNOW that your body isn't absorbing enough, so they LENGTHEN over time to try to absorb more.   Where did you get the incorrect idea that absorption gets WORSE?  This is definately NOT true. 
on 1/19/08 1:03 am - Buckley, WA
Thanks , Wendy . I was thinking all of the things you said . The warning should have been to RESEARCH your doctor , carefully . There can be complications , true . But , oftentimes the long term complications end up having been something the surgeon did . There are others on this site who have long term complications because their surgeon bypassed too much . These aren't "normal" WLS's . I do feel tremendous sympathy toward the author of this thread , It must be a horrible way to live . but I think the original post was misleading . Kathy


on 2/22/08 8:09 am - Indianapolis, IN
Hi SAndy, I was just reading back some and came across your post. I was wanting to say that I wish you the best. I am a rny postop 11-29-05. I have had a hernia repair and panni removal and gallbladder removal, other than that, am ok, thus far. I must admit that seeing your post makes me nervous and always wondering about what could be next. I know that I feel better now, but have had people make comments about "changing the plumbing", and then I saw your post. I admit that I haven't read in full detail so please forgive me. Was there anything imparticular that went wrong for you? I am one of 6 in my family that have had wls and am curious. Some take vitamins like they should and others don't. I worry. Please kow that your story does need to be heard, it amazes me how many people just want the quick fix and do not research their docs. I wish you the best, please keep me posted on how you are doing. Hugz Dawn

              I  MY RNY!!!

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