Post op from a total reversal of my gastric bypass
Hi Sandy.. .welcome back to the boards. I'm so sorry that your surgery didn't work for you, as well as for Angela Gormley. Hopefully everyone that is here researching isn't turning a blind eye to what could happen if they opt for surgery. I know that I read all of the memorials... I wanted to know the good, the bad and the ugly!
There are certainly risks with any surgery, and you can't be more right in warning people to really research their surgeons and not just go with the easiest or the fastest! We've all seen what can happen in that scenario! I hope that you will participate with us here and share your insight. I hope that you have come to some sense of peace over your situation. Surgery definitely isn't the answer for everyone. I look forward to reading your posts. Wendy
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Success supposes endeavor. - Jane Austen
Sandy I do believe I remember posted here before I had surgery. I am glad you posted this, as it just goes to show you can have NO problems for years then BAM! Please, can you tell me, did your doctors give you an explanation as to why you have all these bowel obstructions? Why did it suddenly onset out of the blue? What causes it? Were you dilligent about taking your vitamins? I am 30 months postop and have postural hypotention (BP drop upon standing) but no significant other issues. Labs are good. Is it a fluke this happend to you? Is there somthing we as postops can do to avoid the issues you and your friend are having? I am greatful to people like you who can warn others about issues like this. I am truly sorry you have so many problems and to regain to boot. Please know you are in my thoughts.. Donna
brachioplasty 7/11/07
Breast reduction/lift and axilla repair 9/5/07
Mons reduction and L arm brachioplasty repair 01/02/08
Tummy tuck with Anchor cut 3/12/08
Lower body lift TBA
Hi Sandy! I guess I'm one of the post ops to whom you're speaking. Do you blame your problems on your surgeon or on the surgery itself? Based on your last paragraph, it sounds like you blame the surgeon.
Also, the bowel obstructions, I really hope I don't offend, but were you still following all doctors' orders? Eating slowly, chewing well, avoiding certain foods, etc.