DS math
From Dr. Husted's website:
Metabolic Effect: In addition to the effect of dietary restriction and malabsorption, Duodenal Switch has a metabolic effect to affect weight loss and improvement in health as well. The portion that food passes through - the alimentary limb - has the ability to absorb protein and sugars. This portion of intestine also has the ability to secrete a hormone - GLP-1, or Enteroglucagon - in the presence of undigested food. Since this portion of intestine is presented to undigested food earlier on as a result of the anatomic re-arrangement induced by Duodenal Switch, secretion of GLP-1 is enhanced. Enteroglucogan (GLP-1) has the effect of suppressing the secretion of insulin in response to a carbohydrate meal, resulting in a lesser amount of ingested carbohydrates being converted to body fat.
The portion of intestine that is bypassed holds an important role as well. Enterogastrone is a hormone that is secreted by the upstream small intestine when food passes through it. This hormone has the effect of converting food to fat. When the upstream portion of the intestine is bypassed - as is the case with Duodenal Switch - enterogastrone secretion is suppressed. The effect of this bypass is that the patient's body after Duodenal Switch has less of a tendency to convert food to fat.
A simplified way to explain the sum of these metabolic effects is that the patient after Duodenal Switch takes on the metabolism of a lean individual. We all know people who are able to eat large amounts of food, and yet are able to maintain a lean physique. These people have a metabolism that tolerates a sizeable caloric intake without resulting in obesity, yet their bodies are able to maintain normal protein levels and keep from becoming malnourished. Patients undergoing Duodenal Switch are able, for the most part, to eat normal amounts of food, but they must eat healthy foods if they are to keep from becoming malnourished. Duodenal Switch patients can't eat junk food all day and expect to remain healthy; with the freedom they have in eating freely, they must exercise responsibility in order to keep from becoming malnourished. Most patients after Duodenal Switch take in anywhere from 80 to 100grams of protein in their diet each day in order to remain healthy. You can't get this level of high quality of protein eating junk all day, but if one chooses to after Duodenal Switch, they can, due to the relatively ability to eat freely.
pretty interesting even though i am nurse i had to read it very slowly to wrap my mind around it i have heard that the ds is a great surgery for people who;s wt is threatening their life
because it works so effectively
i have also heard that if you are a "light wt" it isnt the best because the wt loss is so rapid and can cause you to be "underwt" is that true? kf